Technology Committee Meeting – November 16, 2016

MOBAC Technology Committee

Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month

2016/17 Co-Chairs: Glenn Tozier (MPC), Kristen Cardoso (MIIS)

November 16, 2016 from 2:00 – 4:00

Cabrillo College Library

6500 Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003

Present: Kristen Cardoso, MIIS; Katie O’Connell, HML; Kim Smith, MPL; Aloha Sargent, Cabrillo; Stacy DeMatteo, NPS; Glenn Tozier, MPC; Deborah Stephens, Hartnell; Stacey Wiens, Pacific Grove Public Library; Steve Watkins, CSUMB


  1. Today’s recorder: Aloha
  2. Agenda review
  3. Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved
  4. Admin Council report: No meeting this month, Kristen will attend in December
  5. Workshop discussion: Workshop should not be scheduled for May or June, April is okay. Topic is Google Analytics and Cybersecurity.
  6. New business: (1) No meeting in December. (2) Workshop video is on YouTube: MOBAC website > Professional Development > Video and Audio Recordings > Keeping Content Current. Goes to YouTube playlist.
  7. Public comment: None
  8. Next business meeting is: Jan. 11
  9. Next business meeting place: Monterey Public Library
  10. SQL Training video watched
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