Tuesday, January 12, 2016
1:00 p.m.
Watsonville Public Library
Present: Irma Fink – Chair, (NPS); Ray Melendez (MCO); Susan Renison (WAT); Graham McGrew (SCPL); Jen Waterson (MIIS)
Recorder: Jen
1. Call to Order and Introductions: Irma called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The committee welcomed Graham McGrew. Susan showed Graham the introduction for new committee members webpage on the MOBAC Interlibrary Loan Committee website.
2. Additions/Changes to the Agenda – None
3. Approval of the Minutes – The October 13, 2015 minutes were approved without changes.
4. Reports
a. Administrative Council – Irma reported that there were no action items from the last meeting. The Administrative Council now takes minutes on action items only.
b. Technology Committee – No report
c. Reference Committee – Irma previously distributed the minutes from the November MOBAC Reference Committee meeting. Jen noted the following items from the meeting: the positive results of the census workshop; the spring planning workshop with Tom Uretsky as a possible presenter for a workshop about dealing with problem behavior in the library; the California Public Library Survey now differentiates between reference questions and technical assistance questions in part thanks to the suggestions of the MOBAC Reference Committee; and, the major themes of the Internet Librarian 2015 Conference were partnerships between libraries and non library organizations, robotics, makerspaces and the shift from libraries as community information centers to community knowledge centers.
d. SPLAMBA – No report
e. Literacy Committee – the Literacy Committee is offering How to Find, Choose, and Use Literacy and Language Learning Apps, which is a free workshop for literacy tutors and library staff. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, February 3, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Community Room at the Marina Branch of Monterey County Free Libraries. Space is limited. To register please call Cathy at 831 883 7597 or send an e mail message to AndrewsCS@co.monterey.ca.us
5. New Business
a. Susan showed attendees the Interlibrary Loan Committee calendar and roster. She updated the site to show Graham as the SCPL representative.
b. Discussions ensued about possibly moving the Interlibrary Loan Committee meeting time from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and possibly moving the meeting months to February, May, August and November to find out if more committee members would be able attend the meetings. There was not enough representation at this meeting to determine whether or not such a change in meeting months would adversely affect committee members’ ability to attend meetings. It was agreed that the second Tuesday of the month is usually a good meeting day. Irma will make the meeting time and dates an agenda item for the April 12th meeting.
c. The committee watched the InfoPeople webinar Introduction to Intellectual Freedom in Libraries – at https://infopeople.org/training/view/webinar/archived 2015 Update https://infopeople.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=461 Please also note that the next InfoPeople video in the queue is also a recommended one about power searching.
6. Public Comment – None
7. Old Business
a. The committee discussed the new Zoom virtual meeting software, which PLP purchased. It can be used with a smartphone camera. It can be used as audio only or as a combination of audio and video. Concerns were expressed about the Brown Act, but the intention of the software is to use Zoom to be able to attend meetings virtually but not to record the meetings. Some library staff are wondering if there will be an announcement about the availability of Zoom and instructions for using the software.
8. Announcements – None
9. Problem Sharing and Solving –
a. A discussion ensued about statistics. Ray stated that ebook statistics are available from Overdrive. Sometimes it is not possible to differentiate between e book and article statistics.
b. To clear a borrowing request that is stuck in an unfilled status the interlibrary loan staff must contact the lending library because that library may have sent the item as a loan rather than an article. An article would automatically have been cleared by the system.
10. Next meeting date and location
April 12, 2016, time TBD, Watsonville Public Library
11. Agenda items for the next meeting
a. Discuss preferences for meeting time of 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. and meeting months
12. News from the Libraries – Not recorded
13. The meeting was adjourned.