Technology Committee Meeting


Technology Committee Meeting – October 16, 2019 – MPC

Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month
October 16, 2019 2-4pm
Location: Monterey Peninsula College
980 Fremont St, Monterey, CA 93940
Co-chairs Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Katie O’Connell (HML)
Today’s recorder: Glenn Tozier
Attendees: Deborah Stephens (HCL), Katie O’Connell (HML), Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Glenn Tozier (MPC), Alicia Martinez (WPL), Katharine Dixon (SPL), Kris Amaral (MCFL), Stacy DeMatteo (NPL), John Brady (CSUMB)
Old Business:
Agenda review: Approved as presented
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved as presented
MOBAC Reports (as necessary):  
  • Admin:
    • There was talk of possible Koha group, including MCFL along with PG, Monterey, Salinas, San Beninto, Carmel. Materials would be shared across libraries using a courier system, but although a report has been completed the work is still in early stages.
    • No motivation was found to take a joint stance against Macmillan with regards to the current e-book situation among MOBAC libraries.
    • MOBAC Website: Admin Council is looking at perhaps getting a new MOBAC website, either by integrating us into PLP’s new website or perhaps contracting with someone to rebuild the site.
  • Reference:
    • Workshop on the Harwood Model is this Friday. It will not be recorded, as some presenters did not want to be filmed.
New Business:
  • Review training, Graphic Design: Elements of Design, and select training for the next meeting
    • Colors section seemed valuable, some neat tools were presented. Look at links on the training page.
  • Accessibility
    • Review web accessibility resources, questions and manual, and discuss next steps
      • Make a very simple guide for the basics of accessibility
    • Receive demonstration of UCSC’s internal Google Site as potential format for manual
      • Looks good! Some discussion of whether we should replicate something like that on the MOBAC CMS or possible new CMS.
    • Receive and discuss recommendations from co-chairs regarding captioning the Committee’s YouTube videos
      • UCSC accessibility folks suggested using the YouTube captioning, then editing them. Professional captioning services were prohibitively expensive, so going forward we’re going to attempt to caption ourselves, making it clear that someone can request that we caption one of our earlier videos.
  • MOBAC’s shared camera equipment, checklists, how-to videos. Updates?
    • The committee went through both bags and found some extra items in both camera kits.
    • Kristen will copy the documentation that was missing in CSUMB’s kit.
    • Kristen and Deborah re-recorded the set-up video. Kristen will work on uploading the recording.
Public comment: None
Next business meeting place:  November 20, 2019    2-4pm UCSC
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