Technology Committee Meeting

Technology Committee Meeting – July 17, 2020 – Zoom
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Co-Chairs: Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Katie O’Connell (HML)
Attendees: Katie O’Connell (HML), Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Kris Amaral (MCFL), Kim Smith (MPL), Katharine Dixon (SPL), and welcome new addition Mayra Ortiz (WPL)
Attendees: Katie O’Connell (HML), Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Kris Amaral (MCFL), Kim Smith (MPL), Katharine Dixon (SPL), and welcome new addition Mayra Ortiz (WPL)
Today’s recorder: Katharine Dixon (SPL)
Old Business: None
Agenda Review: Approved
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved without corrections.
Old Business: None
Agenda Review: Approved
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved without corrections.
MOBAC Reports (as necessary)
Admin Council:
Admin Council:
- Main discussion was the revised delivery schedule for summer of 2020. Kristen (UCSC) promised to send out a copy.
- It was decided that the new MOBAC website would not be added to PLP’s website, but PLP has approved funding for the redesign of our website. We also have access now to PLP’s Basecamp.
- (Not discussed at meeting but obtained from an attendee.) They talked about all of the new plans they had made that may be put on hold because of possible County health directives. They talked about innovative requests from School Districts with money and no IT: one library requested and received funds to purchase Hot Spots to put in the parking lots so kids could access virtual learning programs. Someone wondered if they could post photos or create videos of “New” materials on social media to generate more interest in their communities.
New Business:
We spoke briefly about what we could/should be doing to help each other and the public. Mayra (WPL) talked about Patron Facing Videos they were working on to show “How to conduct a Zoom Meeting” and various other tutorials like how to use Kanopy, etc. We wished we could make a fun video of the life cycle of a book: being placed on hold, staff looking for the hold, calling or emailing the patron, the patron picking it up, then returning the item. We also wondered how we could better communicate what we are doing and sharing our good programs and successes.
We spoke briefly about what we could/should be doing to help each other and the public. Mayra (WPL) talked about Patron Facing Videos they were working on to show “How to conduct a Zoom Meeting” and various other tutorials like how to use Kanopy, etc. We wished we could make a fun video of the life cycle of a book: being placed on hold, staff looking for the hold, calling or emailing the patron, the patron picking it up, then returning the item. We also wondered how we could better communicate what we are doing and sharing our good programs and successes.
Then we got serious. We need to ask ourselves the question: are we still relevant? Are we really being of service? Are we partnering with the right folks, are we doing the best we can? Do we need to revamp our thinking and take a new direction? Are we a Library Community (ONE library) or six individual entities?
We all need to contemplate if we should continue as we are or if we need to re-build into something more helpful to our community. Ultimately, we agreed now is not the time to add to our stress levels. We can all think about this without assigning any more projects. Sometimes it takes a Pandemic to shake things up. We hope we come out of this one as a better organization.
Public comment: None
Next meeting: August 21, via Zoom
Next meeting: August 21, via Zoom