Technology Committee Meeting

Technology Committee Meeting – December 6, 2017
MOBAC Technology Committee Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month December 6, 2017 from 2:00 – 4:00
Watsonville Public Library
275 Main St #100, Watsonville, CA 95076
2017/18 Co-Chairs: Kris Amaral (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (HCL)
Present: Deborah Stephens, Kris Amaral, Stacy DeMatteo(ZOOM), Glenn Tozier (MPL), and Alicia Martinez (WPL)
Today’s recorder: Kris Amaral Old Business Agenda review: Agenda Approved Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved MOBAC Reports: Admin Council, MOBAC Ref Report, SLAMBA, ILL, Literacy – no update Update on October Workshop: Kris Amaral Successful workshop. We had over 45 people in attendance. Overall the surveys told us that attendees wanted more hands on time. Fall Workshop Planning: Do we want to do one? We decided to not have a Fall Workshop this year. New Business Public comment -none Next business meeting place: January 17, 2018 – SPL