Technology Committee Meeting

Technology Committee Meeting – December 15, 2020 – Zoom
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Co-Chairs: Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Katie O’Connell (HML)
Attendees: Katie O’Connell (HML), Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Kris Amaral (MCFL), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Deborah Stephens (HCL), Glenn Tozier (MPC), Mayra Ortiz (WPL), John Brady (CSUMB)
Today’s recorder: John Brady
Old Business:
Agenda review: Approved
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved without correction
MOBAC Reports (as necessary): None
New Business:
Review new website designs from Jason Garvey
- Committee members commented on various aspects of the three mockups and reviewed the proposed hierarchy of the new site. The following questions/suggestions came up during discussion:
- A blog template is included in each mockup. Is every committee expected to have a blog?
- Is it necessary to include the “About” text on the homepage?
- Are the images placeholders?
- Perhaps the blog section could be used instead to showcase recent files created by committees.
- Does the Contact link need to be included?
o It may be necessary to have a PLP contact listed. Perhaps this information could go in the footer.
o Could the contact information be combined with the directory? - Instead of a static image on the homepage, would it be possible to have a rotating carousel, with an image for each committee?
- Are all committees using the same format?
- The mockups don’t include a link for the courier schedule. Some users may want to have access to this information.
- Committee members all voiced a preference for design 2.
Basecamp demonstration
Katie provided an overview of Basecamp, the project management system used by PLP. Previously some members of MOBAC were given access, and moving forward all subcommittees will have their own basecamp group. The system can be used as both an archive and a collaborative space. Older
agendas and other files, such as internal documents, could be moved over to Basecamp. Annual reports are kept by PLP, some of which are also available on the current MOBAC site. Deborah asked whether we should keep the last year or two of reports on the new site. Stacy discussed forming subgroups for users of particular systems, like Ex Libris and Koha. The subgroups would be open to everyone, not just tech committee members. Kristen plans to bring this up for discussion at a future admin meeting.
agendas and other files, such as internal documents, could be moved over to Basecamp. Annual reports are kept by PLP, some of which are also available on the current MOBAC site. Deborah asked whether we should keep the last year or two of reports on the new site. Stacy discussed forming subgroups for users of particular systems, like Ex Libris and Koha. The subgroups would be open to everyone, not just tech committee members. Kristen plans to bring this up for discussion at a future admin meeting.
Public comment: None
Next business meeting place: January 19, 2021 2-3pm