Technology Committee Meeting

Technology Committee Meeting – September 19, 2018 – Watsonville Public Library – Draft Minutes
Co-Chairs: Kris Amaral (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (HCL)
Today’s recorder: Glenn Tozier
Attendees: Kris Amaral (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (HCL), Glenn Tozier (MPC), Alicia Martinez (WPL), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Katharine Dixon (SPL)
Old Business
Agenda review: accepted as presented
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved as presented
Spring workshop discussion
Agenda review: accepted as presented
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved as presented
Spring workshop discussion
- The topic will be how libraries started a successful makerspace. April 12th or 19th are the two possible dates.
- The committee discussed having an outside speaker, and if we could use $1000 for one because we’re only having one workshop this year
- Kris will reach out to Palo Alto Public and Gilroy, Deborah will reach out to Hartnell’s makerspace, Aloha will be contacted regarding Cabrillo’s, and Katharine will reach out to Digital Nest.
- Committee discussed rough outline of workshop as: 9-10 am hands on activity, 10-11am speakers, 11-12 hands on activities.
Today’s Recorder: Katharine Dixon (SPL)
Agenda Review: Approved
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved
Mobac Reports (as necessary):
- New website: Listserv changes were sent out, may not be able to get archives later so save now if you want them.
- Admin Council: Procedural Chair: Hilary Theyer, Vice Chair: Jacqueline Grallo.
- Ref Committee is planning a Fall Workshop will vote on topics soon. Library Directors talked about re-opening plans
- SPLAMBA: No news
- ILL: Renamed to Resource Sharing Committee, Admin Council approved the expansion of their charter to include resource sharing beyond ILL.
MOBAC Reports:
Administrative Council:
Administrative Council:
- New battery for MOBAC owned video camera should be approved soon, and new microphones for virtual attendance of meetings should be arriving soon (hurrah!).
- Local History Treasures/ History Project workshop will be October 26, 9 am – noon at MCFL Marina Branch
New Business
- Committee decided the best use of time would be to watch a training on our own and then discuss at the next meeting. Committee opted for “UX Foundations: Accessibility” via Lynda
New Business:
- New MOBAC Listservs are live. Emails were sent to add/delete names from list. Question: Should they be open to anyone? Answer: Yes, you can sign up, but not sure if new list is more restrictive.
Public comment: none
Next business meeting places:
- October 24 (note week change) 2-4pm at Hartnell College Library
- November 28 2-4pm at Monterey Public Library
- January 16 2-4pm at Harrison Memorial Library