Technology Committee Meeting

Technology Committee Meeting – May 18, 2021 – Zoom
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Time: 2pm
Chair: Katie O’Connell (HML)
Attendees: Katharine Dixon (SPL), Katie O’Connell (HML), Kim Smith (MPL), Deborah Stephens (HCL), Dana Young (Gavilan College)
Today’s Recorder: Katie O’Connell (HML)
Agenda Review: Approved with one addition
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved with minor corrections
Mobac Reports (as necessary): None to report
Old Business:
New MOBAC Website: Ashlee Wright and Yemila Alvarez are working on refining the design and structure of the new website, and will be bringing over content from the old website. They will meet with the website working group for final updates and training when the website is closer to going live.
Library Reopening Updates:
- Gavilan: Have been checking out laptops, calculators, hotspots since early in pandemic. Have been doing outdoor checkout and return events. Library has 3 FTE. Library became focal point for checking out tech over IT, and will continue once Covid restrictions loosen. No students in library. Staff mostly not in-building either. Plan for 20 hours of in-person service/week in fall. Solar panel umbrellas for tables outside in library courtyard. Reference over Zoom. Campus is still mostly closed.
- HCL: Library staff just back in building, providing service to students. Just started 2-week return period. Book drop open, bins for more delicate returns. Getting ready for 8-week summer session (extended vs normal term); some conflict with high school schedules. Library staff hasn’t been in-building until very recently. Working to prep library for possible checkouts during summer session. Ordered book sterilizer machine, will use especially for course reserves. Short staffed. Campus is starting to open up.
- HML: Outside Library to open June 7. Closed for a week, May 31-June 4, to switch from curbside setup to Outside Library.
- MPL: Planning for July reopening, Tues-Sat, 8hours/day. Budget not passed yet, but library will hopefully get enough funding and be able to bring back some part time staff. Trying to finalize reopening plan. Won’t be able to require masks once state mandate is lifted.
- SPL: Steinbeck Library open with no furniture/restroom/mezzanine access, limited computer access. Just started hotspot lending to public, good reaction. Homeless population in library vicinity is mostly getting services elsewhere. Plexiglass, handwashing stations.
New Business:
- Meeting Schedule for Summer: Meet in June, tentatively plan to skip July meeting.
- New Committee Chair: Continued to June meeting
Future Agenda Items:
- Adjust committee meeting day and time? (Revisit in fall)
Public Comment:
Next business meeting place and time: June 15, 2021, 2pm on Zoom.