Technology Committee Meeting


Technology Committee Meeting – March 16, 2021 – Zoom

Location: Virtual via Zoom
Chair: Katie O’Connell (HML)
Attendees: Katharine Dixon (SPL), Katie O’Connell (HML), Glenn Tozier (MPC); Deborah Stephens (HCL), Kris Amaral (MCFL), Mayra Ortiz (WPL), and John Brady (CSUMB)
Today’s Recorder: Kris Amaral (MCFL)
Old Business: None
Agenda Review: Approved
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved
MOBAC Reports (as necessary):
  • New website: no one has admin access to the Tech Committee listserv, may need to rebuild it from scratch.
  • Admin Council meeting this Friday: Katie will be attending
  • SPLAMBA: Meeting talking about workshop a few weeks ago
  • ILL: They are changing their committee charge to be more inclusive than just ILLs; focus on resource sharing, etc.
New Business: Library Reopening Plans
CSUMB: Early on in process. Date to have staff on campus has been pushed back several times. Plan to have some in person classes next year. Work groups are starting to explore how it will happen in the community. Plan to share results at the end of March. Talking about limited occupancy and moving furniture.
HCL: College has a plan, but no word yet on implementing it. Library is in top 5 services that students miss. Restarting some student services on by appointment but not the library at this time. Nothing checked out and don’t charge overdue fines. Still not accepting returns officially. Want a 96-hour quarantine. Plan to open the first floor in the future first. Talking about a vaccination policy.
HML: In planning stages with no additional staff: open each building 1 day a week and cut down curbside? What health restrictions the most important to maintain? Big library hard to monitor. Required CALOSHA questionnaire to be filled out until October. Plan so far: open stacks, 30-minute computer usage time, limited occupancy, mask requirements, no chairs/seating. No bathrooms for now. Putting together education information to the public. Shut down for 1 week so they can change things.
MCFL: Opening up 4 branches March 17, 2021 for computer use for 2-week pilot. Will continue curbside at all branches and slowly open up more branches for limited computer use and browsing. Will ask for temperature check at the door. Plan for janitors to come in to clean. No public restrooms right now except for emergencies. Relooking at quarantine limit- right now 7-days. Plexiglass is in place at circulation desk.
MPC: Have not heard anything. Made some what if plans: people will reserve parts of the library will use using library booking software. Reserve areas in the library or study rooms. Student center was opened up so took pressure off. People can put holds on items and do course reserves when they have a certain amounts of copies. Email or make an appointment for pick-up by appointment only. 7-10 day quarantine.
SPL: Reopening committee, no plans for reopening and only doing lobby service at El Gabilan. No hard dates or soft dates. Waiting and continue to do curbside at all branches and rolling out 4 computers per lobby on wireless for 30-minute sessions. CC still has covid testing so has limited access.
WPL: Reopening March 17, following this plan. In stage 1 and going to stage 2. Opening first floor and the lobby and 2 computers and circulation desk, limited book collection. Access to self-checks and copy and printing. 10-15 people allowed at a time with a slip. Staff times them 30-minutes. We guide them to the 4th floor if they wish to use a bathroom. Require masks and check temperature.
Public Comment: None
Next business meeting place: April 20, 2-3pm, on Zoom
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