Annual Report FY 2012-2013

Annual Report to MOBAC Administrative Council
Fiscal Year : 2012 – 2013
Committee: MOBAC Technology Committee
Committee Member & Chair: Ashlee Wright and Stacey DeMatteo (2013-2014)
Date: 09/24/2012
What did your committee accomplish during the last year?
- Supported Strategic Plan goal B-2: MOBAC Committees recorded and archived training sessions using purchased equipment.
- Conducted Webpage Usability Testing: Hands-on Workshop, February 2013
- Conducted Future Technologies workshop, Digital Collections Workshop, April 2013.
- Participation from MOBAC member libraries was good, but there are still a few libraries not sending representatives, due to staff shortages and budget constraints.
What activities, workshops, etc. are you planning for the coming year?
- Hands-on Workshop: Writing for the Web, planned for October 2013.
- Attended MOBAC Strategic Planning session February 2013.
- Explore replication of Hands-on workshops and other presentations to take on the road to other PLP libraries.
Are there any obstacles/issues/challenges you wish to convey?
- Clarity from Admin on the Brown Act. Several attorneys were consulted and Admin Council discussed the opinions, but no definitive answer was ever provided to the committees.
- Lack of attendance by Admin council liaisons. As per Admin Council discussion at the 08/2013 meeting, would it be more feasible to have the Admin Council member who’s library is hosting a meeting to check-in at that meeting, rather than have a dedicated person for each committee?
- What does the future of MOBAC look like when funding runs out? How will individual committees continue to provide workshops for PLP members?