Annual Report FY 2014-2015
Annual Report to the MOBAC Administrative Council
Fiscal Year : 2014-2015
Committee: MOBAC Technology Committee
Committee Member & Chair: Stacy DeMatteo (NPS)
Active Committee Members: Kristen Cardoso (MIIS), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Katharine Dixon (SPL), Chris Ricker (MCFPL), Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Deborah Stephens (Hartnell), Glenn Swift Tozier (MPC), Steve Watkins (CSUMB)
Date: September 1, 2015
What did your committee accomplish during the last year?
- We held nine meetings throughout the fiscal year, with an additional meeting that was one person short of meeting quorum. The committee chair attended and reported on six MOBAC Administrative Council meetings, and a member representative attended two meetings on the chair’s behalf.
- Completed Strategic Plan goal C.1: We explored five options for holding remote meetings by conducting a workshop on virtual meeting software. The workshop was held simultaneously in two separate locations – Cabrillo College and CSU Monterey Bay – allowing the participants to experience both the “presenter/moderator” side of various platforms as well as the “participant/audience” side. During the workshop, five virtual meeting products were tested live: Blackboard Collaborate, Skype, Join.Me, Google Hangouts, and Zoom. Based on the workshop, the Technology Committee recommended that MOBAC purchase two Zoom Pro host accounts, replacing the MegaMeeting license for an annual savings of over $2000. The product information sheets handed out at the workshops are available online.
- Completed Strategic Plan goal C.2 and C.3: Meeting room capabilities of MOBAC member libraries are now available on each library’s page on the MOBAC website under the “Library Services Survey” tab. The formatting of each library’s meeting room survey results has also been cleaned up.
- We updated our roster/contact list and welcomed two new committee members: Kristen Cardoso (MIIS) joined in October 2014, and Glenn Tozier (MPC) joined in April 2015.
What activities, workshops, etc. are you planning for the coming year?
- With the discontinuation of OCLC FirstSearch, the Technology Committee is exploring options for the MOBAC Regional Catalog. We have sent out a set of survey questions using SurveyMonkey to all MOBAC member libraries.
- We anticipate holding at least one workshop as a professional development opportunity on a technology-related topic.
Are there any obstacles/issues/challenges you wish to convey?
- Our biggest issue concerns membership on the Technology Committee and attendance at our monthly meetings. Some libraries are still not sending members, and public libraries in particular are not well-represented. These include Santa Cruz Public Libraries, San Benito Public Library, Monterey Public Library, Pacific Grove Public Library, Watsonville Public Library, and UC Santa Cruz Library.