MOBAC Technology Committee Meeting
March 18, 2010
2:00 PM
Cabrillo College Library
David Meyer, UCSC
Stephanie Staley, CAB
Deborah Stephens, WAT
Steve Watkins, CSUMB
Gregg Yearwood, MPC
- Today’s minute taker – Stephanie Staley
- Agenda Review: the agenda was reviewed and approved
- Approved Minutes from last meeting: Minutes were approved by consensus.
- Discussion: Future Technology WorkshopDeborah reiterated the information she sent by email on March 17 – she has confirmed two speakers for April 8: Tom Ipri and Kendra Levine, 45 minutes each, plus a Q&A.
Stephanie Staley will revise the flyer and send to Gregg for distribution.
Gregg will give Deborah recommendations for hotels in Monterey.
Gregg will take care of food arrangements.
- Discussion: Hands-on WorkshopDavid said that Zachary Watkins could give the audio presentation and was available in May.
We selected the May 20 as the date for the Hands-On Workshop. Gregg will speak with Peggy Mayfield about holding the workshop at Hartnel and/or using the equipment they purchased from the last video workshop. Once we secure a location we will work on the lunch menu and catering.
Gregg said that he would contact James and Doug to follow up on their suggestions for presenters for video side of the program. David suggested the workshop just be audio.
David just contacted Zachary to see if May 20 would work for him.
- New BusinessStephanie suggested that we begin now of thinking of ideas for workshops next year. Someone suggested the possibility of holding the Future Technologies workshop in the Fall.
Steve suggested one possibility: Mobile Computing – Aps vs. Web Base with topics such as making your web site mobile friend. Steve has been working in this area at CSUMB so we ask him if he would be interested in presenting and he agreed (but will be out of the country the last two weeks of October).
David suggested another possibility for a workshop: Data Security including site encryption, best practices, etc.
We discussed each idea and liked both. Deborah suggested we use one for the Future Technologies Workshop and the other for the Hands-on.
Next meeting will be April 15 at CSUMB – 3rd floor conference room 3145