Technology Committee Meeting

Technology Committee Meeting — February 20, 2019 — Monterey Peninsula College Library
Co-Chairs: Kris Amaral (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (HCL)
Today’s recorder: Kris Amaral
Present: Katie O’Connell (HML), Katharine Dixon (SPL), Julie Weirick(PGPL), Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Deborah Stephens (HC), Glenn Tozier (MPC), Kris Amaral (MCFL), and Alicia Martinez (WPL).
Old Business
- Agenda review: approved
- Approve minutes from last meeting: approved
- Workshop Update: Add Ryan as a presenter Add RSVP to flyer Google form, Kristen C. will do Evaluation Form needed 8:30-9:30am Sign-In/Hands-On 9:30-10:45am presenters 10:45-12noon More Hands-On Announce mike is only for filming at the beginning Kris will send to Yemila a memo asking for $200 for refreshments. Deborah will attend to do the asking.
MOBAC Reports:
- Administrative Council:
- Reference Committee:
- ILL:
- Literacy Committee:
New Business
- Discussion: Accessibility for Web Design – the second hour of training on
Public comment:
Next business meeting place: March 20, 2019, 2-4pm, Hartnell