Technology Committee Meeting

Technology Committee Meeting – August 21, 2019 – HML
Co-chairs Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Katie O’Connell (HML)
Today’s recorder: Katharine Dixon (SPL)
Today’s recorder: Katharine Dixon (SPL)
Attendees: Kris Amaral (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (HCL), Katie O’Connell (HML), Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Glenn Tozier (MPC), Zoomers: Alicia Martinez (WPL), and Stacy Dematteo (NPL)
Old Business
Agenda Review: OK
Approve minutes: Minutes were amended to show the correct date and place for today’s meeting
MOBAC Reports:
- Administrative Council: wondering if we will submit report for Website accessibility
- Reference Committee: Funds were requested for a Harwood-related workshop
- SPLAMBA: no report
- Literacy Committee: planning a possible training
- ILL Committee: they are updating the Website
New Business
We discussed the true need for review of any reports other than Admin Council. We were also told that they are working on a standard practice for each committee to follow at meetings.
We talked about if we should continue trainings in second half of MOBAC Tech meetings. We agreed it was easier to take trainings on our own time and discuss at meetings. Since was being dropped from all sites except SPL, we thought it would be good for the group to be sure and sign up for Library accounts from SPL.
We were tasked with looking for interesting, topical trainings (preferably less than 2 hours) to discuss and decide which to try at our next meeting.
We were also asked to gather resources/links for compilation into a resource about Website Accessibility to present to Admin Council.
We also discussed creating a more comprehensive guide to using and setting up the Committee’s video equipment to record trainings and workshops.
Public comment: None
Next meeting: September 18, 2019 Salinas Public Library