Technology Committee Meeting
Technology Committee Meeting – August 16, 2017
MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month
2017/18 Co-Chairs: Kris Amaral (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (HCL)
August 16, 2017 from 2:00 – 4:00
Castroville Library Branch
Old Business
- Agenda review: approved with addition of Annual Report review
- Approve minutes from last meeting: approved
- MOBAC Reports: Admin Council, MOBAC Ref Report, SLAMBA, ILL, Literacy
Nothing new to report. None of the committees met since the last meeting. - Review of Annual Report 2016-17
Several small corrections were suggested and approved; Kris will fix and send the report out again, she asked for any other obstacles/challenges/concerns to be noted on the form. - Update: Funding requests for fall 2017 approved for $500
New Business
- Public comment: none
- Sign-up for workshop locations
- Fall Workshop Planning
Kris opened discussions for the Fall Workshop since we received the $500 that we asked for. Theme will be “New Technology Demos”. Possibly in Oct. and definitely on a Friday. That pushed us into November since so many other events are already planned in October. Kris offered the Oculus Rift from MCFL and asked if SPL’s might be available. Kim Smith offered the 3-D printer form MPL, and there was a request for a possible robotics demo. Questions were asked about any other new Technologies to demo, but it seemed those three would be enough.Finally, November 17 was suggested as the day, and Kris offered Marina Community Room for the venue.Kris will check if they are available and will email if all works out. Steve asked if we would be taping the event and Deborah said if she could come, she would tape it.Steve offered CSUMB equipment to record.The question was asked: Can we possibly use leftover funds from the $500 to purchase supplies for the 3-D printer? Consensus was yes. - Oculus Rift Demo after the meeting!
- Next business meeting is: September 20, 2017
- Next business meeting place: Monterey Public Library