Technology Committee Meeting – April 15, 2015

MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month

2014/15 Co-Chairs: Stacy DeMatteo, Naval Post-Graduate School; Ashlee Wright, Harrison Memorial Library

April 15, 2015 from 2:00 – 4:00
Castroville Public Library

Present: Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Glenn Toizer (MPC), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Deborah Stephens (Hartnell), Chris Ricker (MCFL), Kristen Cardoso (MIIS), Katharine Dixon (Salinas PL)


1. Today’s recorder: Steve Watkins

2. Agenda review: agenda approved as submitted

3. Minutes of the March 18, 2015, meeting were approved.

4. Admin Council report
~ Eleanor Uhlinger will continue as Chair, Carol Heitzig as Vice Chair
~ Georg Romero will serve as MOBAC representative on the PLP Executive Committee
~ Admin Council will no longer appoint standing director liaisons to the various MOBAC committees
~ A disaster preparedness subcommittee is likely to be formed soon

5. Hands on workshop: Virtual meeting platforms
~ As of this date, 6 attendees have registered at each site, plus presenters. A followup announcement/reminder was recently sent out by Deborah.
~ The presenters will be pre-configuring laptops for each location with any necessary software or plugins for the various virtual meeting platforms.
~ Stephanie will investigate whether to use a smaller conference room at Cabrillo instead of the large classroom.
~ A followup survey will be distributed rather than an evaluation sheet, in order to collect feedback on the various platforms.
~ Chris will prepare a summary sheet on Mega Meeting, a platform currently offered via PLP

6. Meeting room survey
~ Survey results have been posted on the MOBAC website in a temporary location. The group recommends adding them to the Library Services Survey area of the website, with links from the main landing page and from the public meeting rooms page. Appropriate annotation of the scope and intent of the more recent survey (staff-only as well as public meeting rooms, available technology, etc.) will be needed to distinguish it from some similar content in the main survey. Steve will make the changes on the MOBAC website.

7. New business
~ Discussion of the number and timing of annual workshops will be on the agenda for the next committee meeting.

8. Public comment: none

9. Next business meeting is: May 20, 2015

10. Next business meeting place is: Possibly Cabrillo or Castroville, if no prior hosting offer was received by Ashlee.

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