June 20, 2012 — Monterey County, Marina

Technology Committee Minutes: June 2012

MOBAC Technology Committee
2012-2013 Chair: Stephanie Staley, Cabrillo College

DRAFT Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2012
Monterey County Free Libraries, Marina Branch

Members attending: Chris Ricker (MCFL), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Ashlee Wright (HML), Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), and Deborah Stephens (Watsonville)

1. Today’s Recorder – Chris Ricker

2. Agenda Review and Approval – Approved

3. Approve Minutes from last meeting – Approved with no corrections.

4. Admin Council report

– Doug Holtzman attended the June Admin Council meeting (on June 8, 2012) as the Tech committee representative.  Here is a brief and selective report on the June 8 MOBAC Administrative Council meeting at NPS.

PLP update

-Working on ILL grant project with several member libraries using forthcoming open source FulfILLment system (http://www.fulfillment-ill.org/).

-State grants for MLS tuition funding available next year for current students only.

-CALIFA developing ebook platform using state grant. Modeled on Douglas County, Colorado service.


OCLC Subscription/contract

-Approved renewal of OCLC cataloging contract

-Discussed which libraries will renew OCLC WorldCat subscription (required for display of holdings in WorldCat) using local funds. Most academic libraries subscribe. Harrison, MCFL, MPL, PGPL will renew. Salinas, San Benito, and SCPL will not.


Financial sustainability brainstorm/discussion

-Agreed to retain membership in PLP, review annually based on status of budget, member ability to pay full participation fee, reserves.


Review MOBAC Action Plan

-Discussion of possible change in structure to allow both committees and communities of interest. Communities of interest would not be subject to Brown Act open meeting requirements. Committees are created and charged by the Administrative Council; communities of interest are not. Concern that it could be more difficult to sustain participation in communities of interest. The Council could ask, but not direct, communities of interest to undertake specific tasks for the organization. Could communities of interest report to the Council? Teresa Landers will draft legal distinction. More discussion in August.


-Doug reported on our GDAO workshop.


-The next Administrative Council meeting will be August 17 in Castroville.


Mobac Tech Committee noted interest in Teresa Landers draft legal decision regarding committees vs. communities of interest. Stephanie Staley will express our committee’s interest in seeing this draft to the new Admin Chair, Georg Romero.


5. Review Grateful Dead Open Archive workshop June 1

Evaluations were positive. Approximately 32 people attended. Recommendations for future workshops included OMECA Software, Digital Collections, Project Management, and Crowd Sourcing.


6. New Business

Fall workshop: Stacy DeMatteo is looking into inviting an archivist for the Wells Fargo Museum to do a workshop on website usability. We are considering a morning session and a hands-on session in the afternoon, if funds allow.

Annual report to Admin Council has historically been due in December. We should plan to have a draft in September.

7. Information/Resource sharing and news from the libraries

8. Next Business Meeting – August 15, 2012 (Location to be determined.)

Reminder that our meeting date as of June will change the 3rd Wednesday of the month.



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