MOBAC ILL Committee Meeting MINUTES July 10, 2012
CSUMB 2:00-4:00 P.M.
Attending: Irma NPG, Carol MIIS, Jean Harrison, Ray MCFL, Kirk MPC, Rebecca CSUMB, Susan WPL
Scribe: Susan WPL
Call to Order:
Additions/Changes to the agenda:
Adoption of the Minutes of April 10, 2012
Administrative Council: continued discussion of the Brown Act – if the meetings are covered by this act, no changes to the agenda will be permitted; agenda to be posted 3 days in advance; public can attend and add comment but not agenda items; other items required but they are already on the MOBAC website. PLP withdrawal seems unlikely; financial independence uncertain; discussion of PLP fees and what libraries are being subsidized.
Technology Committee: GDAO workshop a success – visit for slides and video; possible new workshop on website design
SPLAMBA: last meeting canceled; summer reading mania; creating a brochure on grades K-1 Becoming a Reader
Reference Committee: New chair Inga Labeaune MPL; Oct 4 workshop formerly Hands On, now Future of Reference-there will be 5 or 6 presenters.
New Business
1. Look at results of Survey Monkey on importance of courier: Susan went over the survey. Discussion of courier cost and level of service. Apparently Elizabeth Martinez announced in March at an Admin Council meeting that Salinas was stopping ILL – temporarily or permanently? general uncertainty of what this bodes; PLP pays for courier service out of MOBAC dues
2. ILL Alternatives: we are all appreciative for Jean’s work on this document; discussion and changes suggested
3. Share proposal to Council on Courier Recommendations, get committee approval, submit to Council general discussion over recommendations; corrections made; Susan, Jean, and Rebecca will submit finalized documents to the listserv for any comment asap or by Monday the 16th – comment closed Friday the 20th, Rebecca will submit to Admin Council by their deadline.
4. Rules for lending new acquisitions: short discussion, tabled to next meeting.
5. Committee Roster: updated
Old Business
Announcements MCFL patron Rebecca successfully named Monty the Burro and received fabulous prizes.
Problem Sharing/Solving
News from the Libraries
Agenda items for next meeting
Review lending policy for items published within the last 18 months
Annual Report to Admin Council
Next Meeting Date/Time: MIIS Tuesday, October 9, 2012/ 2:00
Meeting adjourned: approximately 4:45