MOBAC Interlibrary Loan Committee Minutes
June 14, 2011, 2 p.m., MPC
Present: Monica Wilmot (MIIS), Jean Chapin (HML), Kirk Hall (MPC), Rebecca Bergeon (CSUMB), Peggy Mayfield (Hartnell), Ray Melendez (MCO)
Note Taker: Jean Chapin
- Meeting called to Order 2:10
- Additions to Agenda: WorldCat/CalCat Task Force volunteer needed. Add to item 6c.
- April minutes approved
- Reports
- a. Admin Council:
- Jean and Peggy reported that the State will pay for WorldCat/CalCat for 6 more months for public libraries, and the Admin council will cover academics for that same time period. A Task Force will look into alternatives.
- The Admin Council is still looking into whether the MOBAC subcommittees fall under the Brown Act. If so, we would have to formalize our committee structures and post agendas before meetings. Until we hear otherwise, though, we can continue as we have been doing.
- Committee budget requests were approved with the caveat that we not commit to spending more than half of the approved budget before October. By October the Admin Council should know how much money is coming from the state and from PLP. Also, in October a retreat may be arranged with all committee members to discuss matters of mutual interest.
- This year MOBAC will pay the difference in PLP fees for each library between last year’s dues and this year’s dues. In essence, what each library has to pay will stay the same next year.
- Our annual report has been reduced to a 1 page document, with 3 simple questions. Our report is due September 30.
b. Technology Committee Report- none
c. Reference Committee – held a joint meeting with SPLAMBA in May to discuss items of mutual interest, such as database promotion and working with teachers/faculty.
d. SPLAMBA- see above.
5. Old Business- workshop. We will not be having a workshop this fiscal year, as there are only two weeks left! We will consider a government documents workshop through Infopeople next year. We are waiting Irma’s report on that.
6. New Business
- New Chair. There were no volunteers to be chair. We will consider rotating the chair from meeting to meeting. We also need someone to attend the Admin council meetings, as the ILL committee representative. Monica will put together the agenda for the next meeting.
- Future of ILL committee. We decided to change our meetings to quarterly, instead of bi-monthly. We will continue meeting on the 2d Tuesday of the month, from 2-4, in January, April, July, and October. Since we just met, our next meeting will be October 11. Ray will check to see if the meeting room at the Castroville branch of MCO is available.
- CalCat/WorldCat Task Force. In response to Peggy’s email request, we will provide a volunteer to be on the task force. There was a lively discussion of alternatives to CalCat, with some libraries using WorldCat local, some using, others using the OCLC resource sharing component. There was also discussion of creating another homegrown product, based on Z39.50 protocols. Rebecca volunteered to be our representative on the task force, pending approval from her library director. We unanimously approved.
7. Announcements, problem sharing, and news followed.
8. Agenda items for next meeting- workshop, and selecting a new chair, or co-chairs, or a per meeting chair. Next meeting to be held Tuesday, October 11, 2-4 pm. It is tentatively scheduled to be held at Castroville Library. Meeting adjourned 3:55.