MOBAC Interlibrary Loan Committee Meeting Notes
February 8, 2011
Monterey Peninsula College Library
Chair: Monica Wilmot (MIIS)
Present: Rebecca Bergeon (CSUMB), Jean Chapin (HML), Irma Fink (NPS), Kirk Hall (MPC), Ray Melendez (MCO), Suzanne Rodriguez (CSUMB), Stephanie Stainback (CAB)
Scribe: Irma Fink (NPS)
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 pm.
Additions/Changes to the Agenda:
- Address State of California budget cuts
- Statistics
Adoption of the Minutes of October 12, 2010:
Motion to approve the minutes (Kirk), seconded (Jean) and unanimously approved.
Administrative Council:
Monica reported the following:
- The Pacific Library Partnership (PLP) recently met and prepared a new membership fee structure. Irma distributed a copy of the proposed fees along with explanation of the new model (thank you to Kirk for making copies to distribute).
- There was discussion regarding benefits of membership in PLP.
- Council is working on strategic planning and the planning goals.
Jean added that Council is looking at open source software for the MOBAC webpage. Steve Watkins is working on this effort that will utilize WordPress. We will be able to post our own minutes, statistics, etc. to the website.
Technology Committee:
Jean reported that 2 staff members from HML attended the “Mobile” workshop.
Reference Committee:
Jean reported that the e-book workshop was well attended and received positive feedback. The presenters were from PLP and local libraries attended. She has scheduled and e-book session for the public and another for staff.
No news to report.
Old Business
There was no old business to discuss.
New Business:
The group discussed workshop opportunities. Rebecca suggested inviting the author of a recent journal article – Sarah McHone-Chase – to come to speak about change within ILL. What is the impact of e-resources, licensing, etc. ILL trends, the “greening” of ILL, International lending and the DVD project with U.C. Berkeley were also proposed topics. Rebecca will contact Ms. McHone-Chase.
A short discussion of e-books revealed that patrons still request print.
There were no announcements.
Problem sharing/solving:
The impact of CLSA budget cuts was discussed. A document was included with the proposed PLP fees and was briefly reviewed: “If CLSA Funding Goes Away…”
Rebecca asked about some discrepancies with the OCLC statistics. She will discuss separately with Irma to explain where the differences area.
News from Libraries
Shared but not recorded.
Agenda Building for the Next Meeting: April 12 – California State University Monterey Bay Library
- Workshop
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:00 pm.