MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes
June 28, 2011, 2 pm
Seaside Branch Library, MCFL, 550 Harcourt Ave., Seaside
Call to order
Ann Jacobson took minutes
Ann, Jean and Mary brought refreshments
Ann introduced Kathy Norton as NPS new rep on committee starting with August meeting.
Recorder – Ann Jacobson
Inga Labeaune MPL
Janet Bombard HML
Mary Housel MCFL
Kathy Norton DKL
Pam Downing SCPL
Ann Jacobson NPS
Jean Chapin HML
Approval of April 26, 2011 minutes
(we think there wasn’t a real May meeting, not sure if there were minutes) Approved
Additions to agenda- letter from State regarding CalCat and letter from PLP regarding 2d level reference added to agenda.
Administrative Council
Janet says still working on Strategic Plan, new MOBAC website. Janet incoming chair, George Romero vice chair. Some conversation about Brown Act and whether committees are covered. The Admin Council will be, but it’s still not clear about subcommittees.
Committee funding requests approved but don’t commit to spending more than half of budget until state budget clearer.
Possible retreat in October, with council and committees.
Council agreed to continue to fund Gale databases for another year. Access Science also paid for 1 year.
Last year for GALE. CalCat/Worldcat subsidized by the state for 6 more months for public and academic, then it will go away, effective Jan 1, 2012.
Tech Committee
No report but Mary thinks they are exploring alternatives to CalCat
ILL Committee
Moving to quarterly meetings, no chair at this time, looking at doing a gov docs workshop
Hold off until later in this meeting
MOBAC Strategic Plan workgroups
MOBAC wide staff development plan, Janet leading
Old Business
– Joint meeting with SPLAMBA – any feedback or takeaways?
Mary and Inga were there. Wendy Good from HML demoed Jing, people shared handouts, promo bookmarks. It was a fun meeting.
– WorldCat/CalCat issues and workgroup – need volunteer from Ref Committee for workgroup. Frank had volunteered at a previous meeting. If Frank can’t be on the committee Jean will do it. This is a huge issue for most of us, as it’s how we see what other local libraries have, and how they see what we have. Tech committee is working on developing a workaround. Peggy Mayfield leading committee looking at these alternatives.
Jean read a letter from CA state library. Jan 1 2012 will be when funded access to WorldCat/CalCat will end.
– Implementation of Gale Virtual Library titles
Libs that have Gale already should see the titles. Those without GALE should have access too, council paid access fee. Jean will send the email with the setup instructions. Three titles, one on folklore, one on genocide, one on substance abuse.
New Business
– Meeting schedule for Sept. 2011- June 2012 [meeting at Phil’s in Aug.; can start signups for Sept-June then finish via email]
No July meeting. Sept 27,Oct no mtg (hands on last Friday in October from 9-12) Nov 22 December no meeting. We need meeting places for:
Sep 27
Nov 22
Everyone needs to think about when they can host
– Selection of Chair-Elect for 2012/13 – [academic librarian?]
Jean is chair for next year, traditionally go alphabetically. Since Hartnell is next but they have nobody then MCFL would be next. Mary Housel agreed to do it, thanks Mary! Decided too complicated to rotate between public and academic, sticking with alpha listing easiest.
– Workshop planning for 2011/12 – debrief of past year’s workshops, appointment of subcommittee for October workshop (Hands-On or other?). Mary, Jean and Frank will be on the committee- need one more person. Workshop tentatively scheduled for Friday October 28, 9-12.
[Note that per Council decision, we will receive $3500 for the year but should spend no more than half of that in fall, awaiting state budget news. We would have no more than $1750 but that’s more than enough.]
Kathy Norton from NPS will do a 20 minute overview on citation management software (fee and free).
Ann will ask Andrea Davis about doing a condensed Cool Tools as part of hands on too.
Ann suggests a presentation on Cool Google Tools Also book reviews! SCPL may have one.
Our theme for the past two years was The Future of Reference, will continue that theme for another year. MPC might not be available to host hands on in October, Mary thinks MCFL in Marina will be available. [Note: Mary reports Marina is not available Oct 28, but will be available 10/21. Deborah is looking into MPC’s availability. jc]
– Complete Annual Report, due September 30.
We reviewed what should go in it. Our workshops, presentations, concern about WorldCat going away, database provider for next year
Reference Shares/Problems
Mary asked for input on Overdrive. Everyone agrees it is challenging to use. Some are using Overdrive Advantage which has more titles for cardholders. Take the training so your staff can support it!
Janet shares from PLP that second level ref services will no longer be offered as of July 1. They will provide obit searches for a charge.
Freading – new e-book service.
Pam shared a problem they’ve been having with computers freezing using Open Source.
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