Ref Committee Meeting Minutes: September 2012

September 25, 2012Monterey Public Library 

Present: Inga Labeaune (MPL),, Mary Elturk (PGPL), Beata Obydhinski (MCFL), Pamela Jungerberg (MIIS), Kathy Norton (NPS), Janie Silveria (CSUMB), Julie Richardson (SCPL), Lisa Duff (SAL), Deborah Ruiz (MPL), Heather Geddes (WPL).


Meeting called to Order.

Recorder assigned.

August 28 minutes approved.



Admin. Council –  no report

Tech. Committee – no report

ILL Committee – no report

SPLAMBA – no report


Old Business.

Future of Reference Hands on Workshop
– The committee assigned speedy book reviews to Beata (Ency. of Alternative Medicine) and Pamela will consider doing one. If anyone else would like to do a speedy book review please let Inga know.
– Sara (csumb) will bring recording equipment to the workshop, someone will need to run it.
– Beata encouraged all presenters to include the topic “future of reference” within their individual presentations.
MOBAC Website document removal
– A discussion was held concerning the ref committee documents on the MOBAC website.  All the documents referring to Calcat will be removed.  Heather will begin this process and report back at the next meeting.  Heather will also update the new member orientation.


New Business.

Annual Report to Admin Council – The group reviewed the report Inga created.  Inga will email everyone the updated version for comment before it is presented at the next council meeting


Update MOBAC website meeting calendar – Meeting locations were assigned.


Reference Shares / Problems.

– Is anyone reducing reference hours?  No, but the group would like to have this discussion when UCSC is present.

– Brief discussion over the importance of articles in professional journals and the lack of time we have to read them.

– NPS uses the READ scale to quantify reference questions and do statistics.  Here is the link,.

News from the Libraries

Next Meeting – November 27, Cabrillo College Library

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