Ref Committee Meeting Minutes: Nov 2009

Tuesday November 24, 2009
Monterey County Free Libraries – Marina Branch

Present:  Jean Chapin (HML), Janet Cubbage(HML), Beata Obydzinksi (MCFL),,Mary Housel (MCFL), Irene Berry (NPS), Georg Romero (CAB), Deborah Ruiz (MPC), Heather Geddes (WPL), Erika Johnson (MIIS), Bill Rawson (HART), Pamela Jungerberg (PG)

Call to order:  Heather called the meeting to order at 2:10pm.  Deborah (MPC) volunteered to take minutes.

Additions/Changes to the Agenda: None

Adoption of Sep 22, 2009 Meeting Minutes :  The notetaker did not remember this happening.


—–Technology Committee Report:  Georg heard it was a good meeting, good exhanges and sharing.

—–Interlibrary Loan Committee Report:  Mtg. was cancelled because of rain.

—–SPLAMBA Committee Report:Heather reported that they are working on graphic novels and teen programming.

Old Business

—–Workshops: Wrap up of Hands On Workshop:  Discussion held on wrap up details of Hands On.  Irene will add to the MOBAC website, links to the presentations.  We need to capture attendance for the annual report.  Deborah will start a wiki page.  Comments received from some libraries is that Fridays are a hard day to send staff to workshops, many libraries are furloughed.  Should day be changed next time?  Next Hands On Committee will have to poll or decide.

—–Workshops: Helping Unemployed Customers:  Since group decided to change the day, MPC was not available. No one else offered to host.  Heather offered Watsonville, but it will have to be set up as a laptop lab.  Bring your laptap if you have one.  Georg will check to see if Cabrillo is available.

—–Website passwords and meeting minutes:  Admin Council is concerned that all committee follow the Brown Act.  Eleanor Uhlinger (NPGS) wants to have all minutes printed.  They will be sent to PLS for archival purposes. Georg thought that printing the meeting notes defeated the purpose and seemed backwards, its not a compliance issue with the Brown Act but making the information available.  Irene wanted to know what kind of meeting notes PLS/Admin Council wanted:  Action, Summary or verbatim?  Deborah the notetaker, doesn’t know the differences or the rules about these and will continue these notes in a more narrative style.  Janet felt that Action minutes don’t capture what happened in a meeting.  If you read the Admin Council notes, who can tell what happened?  She would hate to lose the information that is exchanged in the meeting and available to those who can not make them meetings.  Bill also like the problemsolving information, that is the most useful for him.  Jean felt that the notes need more narrative particularly for people who can’t come to meetings.  Georg responded that that’s why there should be some private and public areas of the website,   Heather said that Admin Council had set deadlines for the various committees to look at the website and talk with Irene.  Janet reminded everyone that there have to be public notes available, anyone who receives public funding, most follow the rules and post agendas and have public minutes.  We can continue our meeting notes style, but just don’t include the News from he Libraries out.

Pamela motioned that we adopt the summary meeting notes style without the News from the Libraries, Bill seconded, there was no formal vote, but most nodded in agreement.

Irene will go to the Admin Council and tell them what we are doing in the Reference Committee.  She will tell them that action minutes would negate the value of the discussions at the meeting. Georg will also go to Admin meeting.

New Business

—–2008/09 – Annual Report:  Heather passed out drafts of the report recently sent in email.  Former reports are on the webpapge.  Georg clarified that the Irene puts them up on the webpage after they are accepted.  Various changes were suggested:

08/09 Long range goals:  On passworded websites, list as a goal and an objective.

Pg. 4:  Tenor has changed, we do not yet know the value of being subsummed by PLS, remove sentence, we have yet to see what benefits there are in this new administrative model.

Add to Opportunities:  Possible benefits of unpass worded website, people won’t have to remember a password.  Also add wiki as an opportunity to increase access to information about the committee

Add to Barriers:  Need the support of Library Administrators to attend committee meetings and workshops.

Repeat Business

——New Reference Sources (books, websites,):  Georg talked about looking at (singluar)

Deborah talked about a great site for anything with a number or a calculation.

——Problem Sharing/solving/trends:  Jean wanted to know if any libraries were using Kindles.  She was interviewed for Monterey County Weekly because she had submitted a press release about a Technology Petting Zoo they are doing.

——News from Libraries (no longer included)

——Agenda building for the next meeting


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