Ref Committee Meeting Minutes: June 2013

MOBAC Reference Committee meeting, 6/25/13, MCFL, Marina branch

In attendance:  Inga Labeaune-MPL, Deborah Ruiz-MPC, Sarah Dahlen-CSUMB, Julie Richards, SCPL, Be Astengo -MCFL, Lisa Duff-Salinas, Mary Elturk-PG  Jean Chapin-HML  Jen Waterson-MIIS, Laura Dickie- Cabrillo, Ann Jacobson- NPS


Call to order 2:10pm


Minutes of May 25, 2013 approved with spelling corrections.


Public comments: none.



Administrative Council: From 6/14 meeting:

Strategic planning begins early spring 2014. Will start with a facilitated brain-storming session. One topic of discussion- what to do when the MOBAC money goes away.

As part of the annual process, the ILL, tech, and SPLAMBA were renewed as committees for the next year, and literacy was added.

Admin Council asked us to consider the role of the liaison and give recommendations, since the current system of having the Admin liaison attend the committee meetings is not working.  Inga will communicate our recommendations to help communication:

We have a member of our committee attend the Admin council meeting and report back to us
Email communication to us from the MOBAC chair or our liaison about important issues
Liaison attendance at one meeting or more meetings a year
MOBAC has signed up with WorldCat again- all libraries renewing except Salinas, MPL and PG.  Their records will be frozen in OCLC, and we will have to go to their catalogs to find accurate holdings.

MCFL now has Zinio, Freegal, and Live Mocha.

PLP has $100, 000 from the state for public libraries to use for communication needs.  They will inform us of options, and we should inform them if we have ideas.


Tech Committee: Fall workshop planning underway for a program tentatively titled “Writing for the Web.” The program will address effective writing styles and technique (conciseness, clarity, etc.) for web pages. Scheduled for October.


ILL Committee: No meeting since last report. Next meeting scheduled for 7/9/13 from 1-3 in Watsonville, where they will continue with their revision of the ILL manual.


SPLAMBA: There is no liaison to the Reference Committee at present.  Information can be found on their Facebook page, or you can sign up to be on their e-mail reflector. The last meeting was at the Cesar Chavez branch of SPL on 6/21.



Database evaluation task force – has not met yet, but they are creating checklists of ways to compare competing resources (patron feedback, training issues, vendor stats, interface, contract)

Committees and Interest Groups – The reference committee recommended adding an RDA committee and a circulation committee.  Admin council said we could form an interest group.  We decided there weren’t enough active catalogers to form an interest group, but we will all recommend to our heads of circulation to contact Inga if they are interested in forming a circulation interest group.



2013-14 meeting schedule- mostly complete.  Inga will post to wiki and libraries will check their schedules and edit as needed.

Future of Reference committee selection. Committee consists of Jen Waterson (MIIS), Be Astengo (MCFL), Amy Chirman (MPC) (for location coordination), Frank Gravier (UCSC) (for book provision).  Inga will be the MC.  Date is Friday 10/4 from 8:30-noon, subject to MPC availability. A tentative database-heavy schedule of presentations was considered, but it was determined that this would be better as workshop.  Committee members will come up with other ideas for presenters.  Ideas for database workshop presentations:
Database negotiation and contracts- Steven Silveria
Database evaluation- our subcommittee (Mary, Frank, Lisa)
Database stat tracking- Judit- NPS
Database promotion
New databases- reviews from users



Jean talked about a free series of webinars from Library Journal, Data-Driven Libraries, that she recommends.

Mary Elturk brought lyrics to Lisa Maddalena’s going away party song.

MPL is switching from Ebsco to W. T. Cox as a periodical distributor.

Ann took a MOOC (Massive Open Online course) from Coursera, and thought it was great.  Mary mentioned DLI has all their language courses available online to the public, and Destinos is online now.. We are considering having a workshop on online educational opportunities. (Ed4U, MOOCs, Khan academy, etc)

Lisa went to the Grantwriting workshop held at Castroville, and recommends others go if it’s offered again next year.



Meeting adjourned.


Minutes by Jean Chapin

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