MOBAC Reference Meeting
March 26, 2013 – Watsonville Public Library
Mary Elturk, Pacific Grove Public Library
Inga Labeaune, Monterey Public
Jean Chapin, Harrison Memorial
Laura Dickie, Cabrillo
Deborah Ruiz, MPC
Betty Mason, San Benito
Lisa Duff, Salinas
Jennifer Waterson, MIIS
Heather Geddes, WPL
Approval of February Minutes
Public Comments: None
Reports from MOBAC Committees
Admin Council, Inga. There was no Admin council meeting this month, but Georg emailed us a Brown Act Checklist. Their next meeting will be Friday, April 5 in Scotts Valley.
Tech Committee, Inga. April 5 workshop, Digital Collections, needs more attendees.
ILL Committee, Jean. Member libraries starting to train on OCLC’S new WorldShare platform. Committee working on reviewing ILL MOBAC manual.
SPLAMBA, Inga. Last workshop, Storytelling with iPads, was well received. Using Apple TV to assist with storytelling.
Old Business:
Workshops: Debrief of workshop “iPads in the Library?” from March 22 at Watsonville Public Library. Heather hasn’t compiled the evaluations yet, but said in general responses were positive, with about 25 people attending. We all agreed it was informative, and their presenter was excellent, and very energetic!
Next workshop Beyond the Hashmarks- May 3 at MPC, from 9:30-12, with coffee and treats from 9-9:30. Deborah will provide food, and Inga will provide coffee. There is $82 left in the budget for food. We will figure out how to film it at our next meeting.
Presenters for May Workshop will be:
Ann Jacobson- NPL – LibAnswers including stats 20-30 mins
Beata – short presentation on using Library Thing to collect stats 10 mins
Sarah Dahlen from CSUMB– Google Docs for stats 45-60 min. Analyzing users.
Frank will find someone from UCSC – Survey Monkey 20-30 min
MPL Inga – doing quarterly stats rather than daily. 20 min.
New Business
Review of Brown Act checklist:
Agendas need to be posted in a public place 72 hours in advance. For practical purposes, that means the Thursday before our Tuesday meetings, since not everyone works Fridays. . We decided to move our usual Phil’s meeting to a library. Between the fact that there was nowhere to post an agenda, and we couldn’t hear each other at Phil’s, it was time to say goodbye. Lisa will see if Salinas is available for the June meeting.
A quorum is required for action items. Does a quorum consist of more than 50% of libraries who are members of MOBAC? Or libraries who have assigned a representative to the reference committee? Heather will look into this, and we can ask Admin council for guidance. Inga will send an email to MOBAC ref, asking who is the designee form your library, and if you cannot attend a meeting, please assign a proxy.
Reference shares and problems
WPL: Heather asked if anyone was using Ed2Go or Universal Class for patron education opportunities. No one was, but Laura had taken Ed2Go classes on her own. Mary recommended a free product- Khan Academy.
MPC: Deborah wanted to know how other libraries were justifying reference budgets in light of a decrease in reference questions. Most libraries agreed they had experienced a decrease at their libraries. Some had started counting tech questions in with reference.
PGPL: Mary talked about Databases A to Z as an alternative to RefUSA. Jean, Mary, and Heather had all recently seen the rep, and agreed the improved product was worth taking a look at. They are all doing trials.
Library News (no notes taken)
Next meeting:
April 23, MPC. Will review videorecording tutorial
Minutes by Jean Chapin, HML