Ref Committee Meeting Minutes: Feb 2013

MOBAC Reference Meeting

2013.02.26, Pacific Grove Library


Notes:  Ann Jacobson (NPS). Ann will send minutes to Inga who will post



Mary Elturk, Pacific Grove Public Library

Beata Obydzinski, Monterey County Free Libraries

Janet Bombard, Harrison Memorial

Inga Labeaune, Monterey Public

Jean Chapin, Harrison Memorial

Ann Jacobson, NPS

Laura Dickie, Cabrillo

Janie Silveria, CSUMB

Deborah Ruiz, MPC

Frank Gravier, UC Santa Cruz


Corrections and Approval of November Minutes (approved)

Inga will fix minutes on the wiki


Corrections and Approval of January Minutes (approved)
Deborah will fix minutes on the wiki


Public Comments:  None


Reports from MOBAC Committees

Admin Council, Janet.  Reviewed Brown Act checklist for committees, which is still being reviewed.  Resource sharing statement worked on, might be final piece of strategic plan. Kim Bui-Burton will be the next chair after Georg Romero, replacing Lisa who is retiring.  Tech Committee had a funding request for a workshop.  Had a print-on-demand presentation from SC Bookshop.  Might use PLP funding for a print on demand station in the Bay Area.  Staff and training impacts/needs to consider. Just informational. OCLC/Worldshare migration was discussed. At end of December 2013 old interface will go away.


Tech Committee, Jean.  Planning a future tech workshop on April 5, tools for digital collections.


ILL Committee, Jean.  Change in resource sharing platform and ILL MOBAC manual changes.


SPLAMBA, ? Recently had a meeting but nobody from this group was there.  Jean said that they are having a workshop on iPads for kids. Will be on March 15 in Watsonville.

Old Business:


Vice Chair selection.  No change. All grateful to Inga for continuing as chair for a second year.


Workshops:  Upcoming workshop “iPads in the Library?”  Inga made and shared flier.  Friday March 22 at Watsonville Public Library.  0930-1145.  Next workshop will be on Reference Statistics on May 3 at MPC.


Presenters for May (half day) Workshop will be:


Ann Jacobson – LibAnswers including stats 20-30 mins

Beatta – short presentation on using Library Thing to collect stats 10 mins

Sarah Dahlen from CSUMB– Google Docs for stats 45-60.  Analyzing users.

Someone from UCSC – Survey Monkey  20-30 mins.  Frank looking for someone

MPL Inga – doing quarterly stats rather than daily. 20.

Laura asks if we will be able to film it.

Ann can ask if CED3 from NPS could record it.


For March workshop, we discussed whether someone could follow instructions to use MOBAC equipment to record. Laura will try.  She can connect with her Tech Committee rep. (Stephanie Staley).


We are paying March presenter $150.


Some discussion of how much funds we have left for workshops/refreshments

Inga will ask Donna Truong from PLP how much money we have left.

If we have to, we can ask people to bring food.  This has been done before.


New Business


Britanica rep came at 4 PM, demo’d product for those who were interested.


Reference shares and problems


NPS: Ann shared that they just started LibAnswers which has a neat feature called Query Spy that lets you see what users search for

MPL: Inga asked if anyone is using Skyriver as an alternative to OCLC for cataloging. One of the motivators is to save funds.  MPL is also looking at technology for digital microfilm/reading.

PGPL:  Mary asked other public libraries and academics how they fund databases.

Library News (no notes taken)

Next meeting:


March 26, Watsonville Public Library

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