Tuesday February 23, 2010
Watsonville Public Library
Call to order
In Attendance – Heather Geddes (wpl), Inga Labeaune (mpl), Pamela Jungerberg (pg), Betty Mason (sb), Jean Chapin (hml), Erica Johnson (miis), Bill Rawson (Hartnell), Mary Housel (mcfl), Beata Obyzdniski (mcfl), Pam Downing (scpl), Topsy Smalley (Cabrillo)
Additions/Changes to the Agenda
– Budget discussion
Adoption of January 2009 Meeting Minutes
Old Business
New Business
—–Budget Discussion – It was decided that the committee would make the following budget request
1. Training: $ 3,500
$ 500 Annual Hands-on Workshop
$ 3,000 Two training Workshops**
2. Databases: $29,856
$ 22,069 Gale databases (Public Libraries)
$ 7,787 1AccessScience (Academic Libraries)
The committee decided to ask for reduced (previous $5500, new request $3500) training funds this year since Infopeople has lowered the cost of their workshops.
—–Strategic Planning – The remainder of the meeting was taken up with a strategic planning session for MOBAC.