Ref Committee Meeting Minutes: Feb 2009

Tuesday Feb. 24, 2009
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Monterey Public Library

625 Pacific St., Monterey, CA 93940

Call to order
In attendance: Frank Gravier (UCSC), Bjorn Jones (SPL), Deborah Ruiz (MPC), Inga Labeaune (MPL), Beata Obydzinski (MCFL), Pamela Jungerberg (PG), Christie Tan (MIIS), Georg Romero (CAB), Merritt Taylor (SCPL), Irene Berry (NPS), Heather Geddes (WPL), Bill Rawson (HCL), Betty Mason (SBCFL)

Additions/Changes to the Agenda
Announcements – San Juan Bautista City Library is planning to drop registration fees for non-residents (Ginny) Administrative Council Meeting, 09/13/09

Addition to Old Business: MOBAC Public Services Survey

Adoption of Jan., 2009 Meeting Minutes
Adopted after changes and additions approved.

—–Administrative Council Report:  Meeting “Coping with Hard Times” was held on February 13, 2009 at Monterey Public Library.

—–Technology Committee Report:  Open Source Workshop this Friday, February 27, 2009, 8:30am-1pm, CSUMB

—–Interlibrary Loan Committee Report: ILL training in Portland (Bill Rawson).  Ginny Steel and Eleanor attended February 10th meeting.

Old Business
.—–Schedule Training Workshops (2008/09).  InfoPeople workshop “How to Help the Public Help”, February 20th, Cabrillo was cancelled due to low number of signups.  $4500 funding available for training or workshops.  Discussion on workshops, sites/locations with computers, and dates/times i.e. two ½ day workshops for public and academic libraries.  Merritt will contact InfoPeople.  Suggested workshops: Looking for Work, Customer Service, Customers using Databases; ESL, Library Services for New Americans, Services for Homeless, Difficult Users.

——Plan of Service 2008/2009: 2 Year Pan of Service

—– Subscription Databases: $38,000 for databases, Gale.  Question on costs of databases per library?  Check with directors.

—–Joint meeting with SPLAMBA on Friday, April 17, Castroville.  Frank waiting for confirmation on meeting and lunch sites.  SPLAMBA meeting 9-10am; joint meeting with MOBAC Ref from 10-12.  Discussion on building a bridge between REF and SPLAMBA and between public and academic libraries in Information Literacy, “How to recognize quality info”.

——MOBAC Public Services Survey reminder, please update and turn in thru courier service or by email to Irene.  Discussion on additions to survey i.e. Food & Drink Policy, Spanish Speakers

New Business

—–Plan of Service 2009/2010: Topics next fiscal year

Repeat Business

——New Reference Sources (books, websites,):  Pam, “Answer Book on Human Anatomy” (paperback); Heather, recommended the Online Wilson Fiction Catalog.  Merritt gave extra Spanish Language on grant writing for Foundations to all interested attendees.

——Problem Sharing/solving/trends:  Discussion on policies on Noise issues and disruptive noise levels sharing by Deborah, PGPL, MPL & Cabrillo.  Georg and Bjorn will work on a 2.0 wiki for MOBAC.

——News from Libraries
UCSC – Reorganizing the library and getting new Self Checks

MPC – Highest enrollment in their history from 7-9% increase.  800-2500 students and faculty per day in library, eight new PC’s with new hard drives.  Library Director Position is being reannounced as an Associate Dean position and recruitment will begin.

SPL – Library looking at budget cuts.  Celebrating its centennial year in conjunction with the Steinbeck Center.  Comcast Net System for Library separate from City Net.

MPL – Budget woes with library budget.  New self checks and Time Management System with Cassey Wi-Fi printing installed this month.  Spot-One Provider.

MCFL – 2-1-1 – a toll-free three digit telephone number for the health and human services referrals in Monterey County have been launched on Feb. 11 2009 with the help of the MCFL staff.  Monterey Peninsula Airport Gallery is showing two local history exhibits: “Pieces of History”, an exhibit of fragments from public archives and private collections in Monterey County.  “Against the Odds: Pioneer Women of Monterey County”, and exhibit of portraits, personal letter and objects related to the lives of 40 pioneer women, including Anne Haden, the first librarian of MCFL.  Exhibits on display through July 30. 1st anniversary of Book Club to Go – very successful service for local book clubs (ten paperback copies of one book plus discussion questions on one bag for check out by library cardholders).

DLI – having problems with the new security gate.  Faculty publications in a small area.  95 students in library is high rate.

SCPL – Library Director position closing soon.  Not filling Head of Technical Services position.  Setting up 211 in county.

PGPL – increased hours in positions.  Part-time Librarian I position open to cover Wednesdays/Fridays of heaviest traffic.

NPS – Administrative Offices on workfloor now is working really well.  Library is really busy with four letters of compliments.

WPL – Library is very busy with customers looking for jobs and unemployment sites.  Recent Event was very popular with 700 people showing up.

CAB – Current library director will resign by December of 2009.  Library will give up to ½ of year on administrator position for savings on budget.    $11,000 spent on computers or printing system.  Laptops out of commission during orientation.  Need to take flash drives to save or print.

SBCFL – No layoffs or reduction in library hours.  Budget controls on frozen positions in county and purchasing materials.  Only have spent up to 8% of budget allocations for books and materials.  Reception with Photo Exhibit “Living Under the Trees: Indigenous Mexican Farmworkers in California” attended by 140 people.  New bookmobile should arrive by the end of April, so now MOBAC libraries can celebrate with a Bookmobile parade.

——Agenda building for the next meeting


Respectfully submitted by Betty Mason

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