Mobac Reference Committee Meeting – Minutes
April 24, 2012, 2 pm, Santa Cruz Public Library
Present: Inga Labeaune – MPL, Ginny Steel – UCSC, Kathy Norton – NPS, Jim Tarjan – SCPL, Deborah Ruiz – MPC, Janie Silveria – CSUMB
The meeting was called to order at 2:05
Recorder – Inga Labeaune
The minutes of the March meeting were circulated. Approval was postponed until May, when we expect more members to be in attendance.
Additions to agenda – none.
Administrative Council – Jean reported the Admin Council has decided we can table the question they asked us about databases of interest to academic and public libraries for the time being. Also, we will have $500 for workshop funding for the future, provided by PLP. We do not need to request it, just submit invoices to Donna Truong for reimbursement. MOBAC will not subsidize any databases in the future. Gale subsidies and Academic Science support will end on June 30, 2012. CalCat will not be subsidized. WorldCat is still being discussed. Ginny mentioned that PLP is holding an annual meeting on May 11 at the Berryessa branch of San Jose Public Library.
Tech Committee – Jean announced that Eric Mitchell (UCSC) has resigned as Committee Chair to due to a promotion out of the Library department. Planning for the Grateful Dead workshop is ongoing. Ginny said it may be held this summer.
ILL Committee – Jean reported that the ILL Committee is still working on the delivery survey. Preliminary results indicate that the bulk of delivery is between PGPL and MPL. Most ILLs are out of the MOBAC system. The ILL Committee plans to send out an opinion survey soon, and may repeat the delivery survey. The amount libraries spend for delivery amongst their branches, or campuses was discussed. Inga will check to see how much MPL and PG pay for extra days. Janie will check to see how much CSUMB libraries pay for delivery amongst the campuses. Jim reported that SCPL pays a significant amount for delivery between their branches.
SPLAMBA – Inga reported that the SPLAMBA workshop on Children with Autism went well. It would be great if an attendee could share insights with us.
MOBAC Strategic Plan workgroups – Ginny reported that the work of the workgroups is slow going.
- Reminder – Update Survey of Publicly Available Technologies if you have not already done so. Include any collection specializations you have, under special collections.
Old Business
- Last minute workshop planning for April 26 Beyond Print workshop (moving books to the circulating collection, replacing print with e-resources, weeding). Jean will make a sign in sheet and print evaluation forms to distribute. We will recruit a timekeeper at the event.
- Social Media Workshop feedback – Mary Byrne Elturk wasn’t able to attend today’s meeting. Jean distributed a written report that Mary prepared on the issues discussed.
- Database evaluation progress- Inga reminded us that public libraries are asked to submit their final database selections to PLP via John Alita by Friday, April 27. Both EBSCO and Gale are hosting webinars tomorrow, if you have any last minute questions about the proposals the vendors are offering us.
- Procedures for selecting MOBAC Ref Committee Chair and Vice Chair – Kathy suggested that we revisit our procedure of proceeding in strict alphabetical order. She suggested that if a library had to decline one year, they be asked again the following year before we move forward to the next library. We agreed that this was a good idea. Kathy will make a spread sheet that we can post on the wiki to keep track of who has served as chair, and who has had to decline.
New Business
- June 26 meeting location – Deborah will check availability at MPC and post it on the Wiki if a room is available. (MPC is not available. We will meet at San Benito Library)
- Revise our totally outdated list of Current awareness resources
Reference Shares/Problems
- Jobbers – Has anyone prepared an RFP for bids for book or periodical jobbers lately? If so, Inga would like to talk to you.
- eBook Instruction – Jim mentioned that SCPL staff are scheduling one-on-one training sessions to help customers learn how to download content from Overdrive onto their various devices. Libraries shared how they are addressing public demand for training. Inga mentioned that MPL will be launching a preloaded ebook reader (Nook) lending program. Deborah said that the ebooks that academic libraries purchase can be used across platforms without the downloading challenges that public library patrons experience.
- Volunteer Engagement Workshop – Deborah reported that the LSTA Volunteer Engagement Workshop hosted by MCFL was really good. She has created several new volunteer job descriptions as a result. Deborah wanted to make sure that we all know that we can post library volunteer positions for free on the Volunteer Match web site, thanks to funding from LSTA.
News from Libraries – was shared.