MOBAC Administrative Council Meeting
February 11, 2011
Monterey County Library
Marina Branch Library
Action Minutes
Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS), Georg Romero (CAB), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Janet Cubbage (HML), Shuk Auyeung (GAV), Elizabeth Martinez (SAL), Lisa Maddalena (PGPL), Nora Conte (SBE), Ginny Steel (UCSC), Jayanti Addleman (MCL)
Moncia Wilmot (MIIS), Doug Holtzman (MPL), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Janie Silveria (CSUMB), Esmeralda Casas (SBE), Cathy Andrews (MCL), Catherine Webb (MPC), Donna Truong (MOBAC) and Kathy Krause (MOBAC)
Doug Holtzman (MPL) for Kim Bui Burton (MPL)
Catherine Webb (MPC) for Stephanie Tetter (MPC)
The February 11, 2011 meeting was held at the Marina Branch of the Monterey County Library and chaired by Peggy Mayfield.
Agenda: Agenda adopted as distributed
Minutes: December 10, 2010 minutes approved as distributed.
Administrative Business
- PLP Update – Donna distributed the new PLP Participation Fees for the MOBAC libraries including the four year phase-in projections for each MOBAC library. Eleanor reported on the Special PLP Meeting held January 31st for PLP Library Directors. Anne Marie Gold reviewed the process in developing the new fee models and issues that were faced in the process. A consensus vote was taken of the PLP Directors accepting the new fee structure. The official vote will be taken at the PLP Annual meeting in May. Donna recommended taking $13,864 of the $127,000 that MOBAC has in reserves and using those funds to pay increases in next year’s MOBAC library fees. This will be approved/voted on at the next Council meeting in April.
The state budget and its effect on the systems were also discussed at the PLP meeting. - Nominating Committee to replace Eleanor – Eleanor will be retiring from the PLP Executive Committee with Teresa staying for another year. The Nominating Committee will consist of Eleanor and Kim. They will return to the April meeting with their nominee(s).
- Strategic Planning Goal Reports – Georg reported that the Website Taskforce has decided to migrate the MOBAC Website to WordPress. Steve Watkins has volunteered his time to do the migration. With WordPress, staff will be able to update their own content.
Council accepted the recommendation to migrate the MOBAC Website to WordPress. (Strategic Goal A3 completed) - Eleanor reported on Goals: A2 and C1; Investigate technology for remote attendance to meetings and other service delivery options (workshops, etc.). After completing a survey of MOBAC members, it was found that MegaMeeting software was a viable option for increasing virtual attendance at MOBAC meetings. It was also found that MegaMeeting is relatively low cost and most MOBAC libraries are already equipped to use the software. Equipment to use MegaMeeting is also available from the MOBAC/PLP office.
MOBAC Council accepted the taskforce’s recommendation to use MegaMeeting for MOBAC meetings. The taskforce’s next step is to develop meeting guidelines for remote meetings (Strategic Goal A2). (Strategic Goal C1 completed)
Strategic Plan Goals dated June 2010 will be extended to June 2011. - Chair Report: Peggy reported on the January 14th conference call to discuss the new participation fee structure. The conference call with Linda Crowe gave the MOBAC members an opportunity to participate in discussion involving some of the issues and ask questions concerning the new fee structure.
- Administration Report: Donna distributed the Library Support Staff certification and scholarship grant application for public library staff. The application is on the PLP and State website. The applications should be submitted to Terry Jackson or Wendy Cao by April 15, 2011.
Agenda Building:
- Website Migration progress report
- Budget
- Strategic Plan Goals
Next MOBAC Council meeting: Friday, April 8, 2011 at the Castroville Branch Library