MOBAC Administrative Council
Friday, December 14, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Hartnell College Library
411 Central Avenue
Salinas, CA 93901
Action Minutes
Council:Georg Romero (CAB), Kathleen Hanselmann (DLI), Teresa Landers (SCPL), Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS), Lisa Maddalena (PAC), Nora Conte (SBCFL), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Peter Liu (MIIS), Doug Achterman (GAV)
Others: Jean Chapin (HML), Donna Truong (MOBAC), Doug Holtzman (MPL), Maria Roddy (SAL)
Proxy: Peggy Mayfield for Stephanie Tetter (MPC), Ginny Steel (UC Santa Cruz) and Jayanti Addleman (MCFL). Jean Chapin for Janet Bombard (HML) and Doug Holtzman for Kim Bui-Burton (MPL)
The December 14, 2012 meeting was held at the Hartnell College Library and chaired by Romero.
1. Agenda: Agenda approved as distributed (Landers/Achterman).
2. Minutes: October 12, 2012 approved (Landers/Uhlinger).
3. Lisa Maddalena will step down as MOBAC vice chair. She will be retiring from Pacific Grove after 29 years of service. MOBAC will need to appoint/select a public library director to fill her position as vice Chair.
4 PLP Update: PLP Executive Committee met at CLA, November 2, 2012. Landers reported that PLP has many projects under way: innovation grant, Print on Demand with a non-profit bookstore in Menlo Park, ILL Fulfillment project with Santa Cruz City/County Library, Los Gatos and San Mateo Public library. I-share catalog project is on hold at the moment due to staff shortage at MIIS.
5. Action Plan: Landers sent the Brown Act document to all committees, and the document will also be posted on MOBAC website. She will also send a Brown Act checklist to all committees. Action Plan was updated with one item due in February under Local Identity “Develop a position statement regarding resource sharing as a core function of MOBAC”.
7. Committee & Community of Interest document was approved (Landers/Romero).
8 . Revised By-laws were approved (Landers/Hanselmann).
9. Califa Update: Uhlinger attended Califa meeting at Internet Archive, San Francisco and reported on its activities.
10. MOBAC Chair report: Romero sparked a discussion of major trends hitting MOBAC and other libraries, in staffing, technology, budget, and services. Several links will be sent around to pertinent articles, and the Council also talked about how this might be the foundation for the next MOBAC strategic planning session, timing to be determined.
11. MOBAC Administration: Truong reported that many MOBAC members applied for PLP Innovation grant. SAL, SBL, MCFL and UC Santa Cruz received the grants.
Agenda building:
- Print on Demand demo
- Report from Nominating Committee for Vice Chair position FY 12/13
- Possible funding for Technology Committee
- Approval of Action Plan
Next MOBAC Council meeting: Salinas Library, Cesar Chavez branch, February 8, 2013