MOBAC Administrative Council
Friday, December 13, 2013
Monterey Public Library
625 Pacific Street
Monterey, CA 93940
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Action Minutes
Council: Kim Bui-Burton (MPL), Georg Romero (CAB), Teresa Landers (SCPL), Deborah Ruiz (MPC), Peter Lui (MIIS), Elizabeth Martinez (SAL), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS), Janet Bombard (HML), Steven Silveria (PAC), Douglas Achterman (GAV), Kathleen
Hanselmann (DLI)
Others: Don Gardner (SAL), Donna Truong (MOBAC), Inga Labeaune (MPL), Cathy Andrews (MCFL), Ashlee Wright (HML), Mary Elturk (PAC)
Proxies: Romero for WAT and MPC (after 10:30 am)
The December 13, 2013 meeting was held at the Monterey Public Library and chaired by Bui-Burton.
1. Agenda: Adopted (Landers/Uhlinger).
2. Minutes: October 11, 2013 approved (Approved: Romero/Landers; Abstain: Bui-Burton, Uhlinger, Hanselmann and Mayfield).
3. Strategic Planning Committee: Survey to directors/committees will be out in January/February. The Retreat will be from 9 am to 4 pm at Marina Branch, Monterey County Free Library, February 28, 2014.
4. PLP Update: Crowe did send an update via e-mail to all PLP members.
- There were 19 applications for Innovation grant this year.
- PLP will host MOBAC workshops outside of MOBAC area. Workshops from Reference Committee will be first.
- PLP will start Library Talent Exchange Program: modeled from Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. Check for more information.
- There will be a workshop about services and facilities planning presented by Kathy Page and Susan Kent in late February or early March.
- PLP Annual Meeting will be on May 9, 2014 at Santa Clara City Library. Luis Herrera will be the keynote speaker.
- MOBAC needs a new representative who replaces Landers in July 2014.
5. Committee Liaison’s role: All committees will set meeting schedules (dates and locations) through 2014. Committees will send them to Romero, who will post on MOBAC website . Hosting Library’s Director will be asked to attend the meeting, if possible. Admin Council liaisons will continue as point of contact for committes. Achterman will be the Liaison for Literacy Committee and Silveria for Technology Committee.
6. Califa Update: Uhlinger, Califa’s president reported that the Board met early December. Annual and Audit reports were distributed. Califa had a good year. Revenues were up 35% due to increase in grants and product sales. ENKI membership will be available to all libraries in January. Code for America, a non-profit agency, is recommended by the Board to help with Enki project. Uhlinger was reelected to be President and Sass as Vice President thru June 2016.
7. SPLAMBA Annual Report was presented by Gardner.
8. Public Comment: Landers represented CLA Membership Committee. CLA is pushing for institution membership. Non-institution members will hear from CLA representative.
9. News was shared by libraries attending.
Next MOBAC Council meeting: Council/Committee Retreat , February 28, at Marina Branch, Monterey County Free Library