Technology Committee Minutes: Feb 2011

MOBAC Technology Committee Meeting

Thursday, February 17, 2011
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Monterey Peninsula College

Deborah Stephens, Watsonville PL
David Meyer, UCSC
Gregg Yearwood, MPC
Catherine Webb, MPC
Sergio Topete, NPS
Dana Young, Gavilan College
Jayanti Addleman, Monterey County Free Libraries
Jennifer Fellguth, Hartnell College

  1. Minutes taken by JF
  2. Agenda was approved, no additions or changes
  3. Minutes from last meeting were approved
  4. Administrative Council Report.
    Jayanti provided an update on the new proposed fees imposed on MOBAC members for participation in PLP. At this time, there is a proposal that the MOBAC reserve fund be used to defray costs of the first year’s increases. Deadlines for reports have been extended to June 2011. The state budget is a concern for all libraries. The MOBAC website will be moved to WordPress so members will be able to update and maintain their own information.
  5. Discussion: Future Technology/Hands-on Workshop Evaluations.
    Deborah distributed a written compilation of workshop evaluations and comments.
  6. Study: Recording and archiving training sessions.
    The Future Technology presentation in the morning was recorded, but has not yet been reviewed. David agreed to review and edit the recording, then make it available online in streaming format.

Next business meeting is: March 17
Next business meeting place: Hartnell College Library, Community Room

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