Technology Committee Minutes: August 2012

MOBAC Technology Committee
2012-2013 Chair: Stephanie Staley, Cabrillo College

Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2012
Monterey County Free Libraries, Castroville Branch

Members attending: Deborah Stephens (Hartnell), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Chris Ricker (MCFL), Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Catherine Webb (MPC), Ashlee Wright (Harrison), Tiffany Mair (MCFL), Doug Holtzman (MPL), and Peter Liu (MIIS)

  1. Today’s Recorder – Tiffany Mair
  2. Agenda Review – 1 addition, Roster to New Business
  3. Approve Minutes from Last Meeting – Next business meeting date corrected to today’s date
  4. Admin Council Information and Next Meeting, August 17 – Doug will attend with hopes another representative from Technology will attend next time.
    1. Committees vs. Communities of Interest – Admin Council is reviewing potential organizational changes within MOBAC where committees may choose to remain committees or consider becoming communities of interest (COI). Committees will be subject to at least some requirements of the Brown Act, while COIs would not.
    2. A draft form for applications for Committees or COIs will be presented at the next Admin Council meeting. Until we have more information, we will table further discussion of our options until next meeting.
  5. Planning for Hands on Workshop –
    1. Stacey forwarded information from the potential speaker, Anne Hall, who may be interested in presenting a half-day workshop. Committee members should review these materials to determine if Anne’s proposal is appropriate and what changes/suggestions we would request. Additionally, Stacey will follow up with Anne to find out what she would provide in a 2-3 hour segment (how much content she could cover, how much customization she would provide, etc.).
    2. We should also consider afternoon exercises to complement the morning session (group site review or usability brainstorming). Kathleen from CSUMB would be a potential presenter for the afternoon.
    3. The workshop will be in January rather than in October to allow for more planning/implementation time.
    4. Keep things in mind for the Future Technology Workshop in the spring. Maybe something relating to archives.
  6. New Business: Roster – PLS requested that we update our roster. Doug will request that Admin Council members with open slots send representatives to serve on Technology Committee.
  7. Information/Resource Sharing and News from the Libraries
  8. Next Business Meeting is: September 19, 2012 @ 2pm
  9. Next Business Place: TBD



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