Technology Committee Meeting


Technology Committee Meeting – April 20, 2021 – Zoom

Location: Virtual via Zoom Zoom:
Chair: Katie O’Connell (HML)
Attendees: Katharine Dixon (SPL), Katie O’Connell (HML), Deborah Stephens (HCL), Mayra Ortiz (WPL), John Brady (CSUMB), Kim Smith (MPL)
Today’s Recorder: Katharine Dixon (SPL)
Agenda Review: Approved
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved
Mobac Reports (as necessary):
  • New website: Listserv changes were sent out, may not be able to get archives later so save now if you want them.
  • Admin Council: Procedural Chair: Hilary Theyer, Vice Chair: Jacqueline Grallo.
  • Ref Committee is planning a Fall Workshop will vote on topics soon. Library Directors talked about re-opening plans
  • SPLAMBA: No news
  • ILL: Renamed to Resource Sharing Committee, Admin Council approved the expansion of their charter to include resource sharing beyond ILL.
Old Business:
  • New MOBAC Website: Library photos provided by the Committee have been added to the new site. Nothing new from the designer of the site, not sure when it is going live.
Library Reopening Updates:
  • CSUMB: Plans are under review. 2/3 of classes will be in person. Student Housing will be 100 percent full. Not sure what services will be open. Phased opening will begin in June and July not full services though.
  • HCL: May return to inside check in of calculators. May do two weeks of Summer curbside check out. Looking at funding for book/device sanitizer, to sterilize laptops etc. Talking about limiting student access to first floor when reopening, but tutorial service is upstairs, so may have to allow folks up there.
  • HML: is planning an “Outside Library” made up out of tents. The City’s strict Cal/OSHA rules lead up to this idea. A Summer Reading Program is being planned.
  • MPL: Plans for 15 minutes sessions, no computers, sidewalk holds, not re-opening until July. Budget for 40 hours Tue.-Sat (ambitious) They will be RFID tagging. Still want to do curbside.
  • SPL: El Gabilan Branch is open to limited Lobby Service and doing very well. John Steinbeck opens to Limited Lobby Service on May 3. They continue with Curbside Service as per customer wishes. Each branch has 4 computers for Public use for 30 minutes sessions with printing and scanning available, New items available for checkout are highlighted on moveable shelving in the lobby. Self-checks are in use and sanitized between each use.
New Business:
  • New MOBAC Listservs are live. Emails were sent to add/delete names from list. Question: Should they be open to anyone? Answer: Yes, you can sign up, but not sure if new list is more restrictive.
Public Comment: None Next business meeting place and time: May 18, 2021, 2-3pm on Zoom
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