Hartnell College Library
411 Central Avenue
Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 755-6872
Updated June 2017
- Assistive technology: Wheelchair accessible, Kurzweil text-to-speech, Zoomtext screen
magnification s/w
- Borrowing privileges: Hartnell students, staff, faculty
- Map and directions: Click here
- Microform: Microfilm and microfiche reader/printers
- Non-English collections: Minimal
- Online databases: Info
- Parking: Streetside, or $2/day
- Proctoring exams: Yes, Hartnell and other community college online students and other colleges for a fee through Tutorial Services
- Meeting rooms: staff and public
- Scanners: Yes
- Staff meeting rooms: Yes (reserved through Campus Facilities)
- Wireless: Yes