MOBAC Technology Committee
2011-12 Chair: Eric Mitchell, UCSC
Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2011
Watsonville Public Library
Members attending: Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Doug Holtzman (MPL), Eric Mitchell (UCSC), Deborah Stephens (WPL), Steve Watkins (CSUMB)
- Minute taker: Stacy DeMatteo
- Agenda review: Admin report added
- Minutes from last meeting: approved
- Admin report:
Eric will send email to tech members about attending the Admin Retreat. At this time Eric and Steve will check there schedules to see if they can attend. - Study: Recording and Archiving training session: Doug will draft Legal consent for participants by end of week (9/30/11). Equipment has been boxed and is available for use, still need to purchase cases, AA batteries and label maker. Possible take on costs to MOBAC Tech workshop on 10/7/11.
Steve demonstrated updating the new MOBAC website. Remember the site uses pages, not posts. - Hands On workshop:
As of today only 3 people signed up for the workshop. Will ask Admin counsel to send out message strongly urging member to attend from each MOBAC group and will ask Stephanie to resend flyer. - New Business:
Future Technology Workshop possible topic – Grateful Dead Archive. - Information/resource sharing October 27nd, location tba.