MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month
2012/13 Chair: Stephanie Staley, Cabrillo
Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2:00 p.m.
Monterey Peninsula College Library
Attending: Ashlee Wright (Harrison), Melanie Barney (Aiso), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Catherine Webb (MPC), Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Tiffany Mair (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (Hartnell)
- Today’s recorder: Deborah Stephens
- Agenda Review: Added “Public Comment”
- Sept. 19 minutes approved
- Admin Council Report on October 12 meeting
The discussion of committees vs. communities of interest continues. Committees should currently follow the Brown Act re: posting the agenda and allowing public comment. We decided to remove information/resource sharing from the formal agenda, as that discussion is more appropriately conducted as a “community of interest.”
The Tech Committee’s annual report was submitted; we did not receive an answer to our question re: additional funding for a second workshop. - Hands-on workshop
The workshop is scheduled for Feb. 1, 9am – 12, at Cabrillo, pending approval from the presenter. She quoted $375 for the 3 hours, which leaves us $125 for morning refreshments. Steve and Tiffany volunteered to be the video team. - New Technologies workshop
We brainstormed ideas on the topic of tools for digital collections. Ashlee is willing to offer a presentation on the [i]cell interactive kiosk. Tiffany will contact someone about the Scan Jose smartphone walking tour. The workshop is planned for late April/early May. - New business
We agreed to add a sub-item to future agendas asking for a volunteer to attend the Admin Council meeting. This will occur after the Admin Council report. Deborah will attend the December meeting at Hartnell. - Public Comment – none
- Information/Resource Sharing – moved to end of meeting
- Next business meeting – 11/28/12
- Next business meeting location – CSUMB