MOBAC Technology Committee
2010-11 Chair: Deborah Stephens (WAT)
May 19th 2011
2:00 P.M.
Cabrillo College Library
Members present: Pam Poandl (CAB), Stephanie Staley (CAB), Deborah Stephens (WAT), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Dana M. Young (GAV), Catherine Webb (MPC), Deborah Lipoma, (SC),
- Today’s minute taker: Pam Poandl
- Agenda Review: none added
- Approve minutes from last meeting: Yes.
- Admin. Council Report: none because they did not have a meeting.
- Study: Recording and archiving training sessions (due by 6/11). We are in the process of buying equipment. David Meyer has researched equipment and will be purchasing equipment after he returns from vacation in June. Last meeting we decided to use the remaining available money and purchase two systems. At least one will have an external mic and mixer to improve the sound. There would be one video kit for the North and one for South MOBAC library locations. We talked about the need to write up instructions and about internal training. We agreed to have the next workshop on video recording and archiving. The video recording and archiving workshop dates may be Sept 23rd or 30th. Garland Thompson in Salinas was suggested as a presenter. Steve suggested doing a dry run next meeting with our equipment.
- Future workshops: We discussed Future Technologies Workshop to be offered in January. One future workshop ideas was WordPress. Polly Farington was suggested as a possible presenter.
- Information/resource sharing and news from the libraries.
- Next business is: June 16th. Think about if you would like to be the chair next year.
- Next business meeting place: Castroville. Deborah to ask Chris.