MOBAC Technology Committee Meeting
Thursday, June 17, 2010
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Watsonville Public Library
David Meyer, UCSC
Deborah Stephens, WAT
Stacy DeMatteo, SAL
Doug Holtzman, MPL
Steve Watkins, CSUMB
Chris Ricker, MCFL
Jayanti Addleman, MCFL/Admin. Council
- Today’s note taker – Chris Ricker
- Agenda review: the agenda was reviewed, the Admin. Council report was added and the agenda was approved
- Approve minutes from last meeting: the minutes of the April 15, 2010 meeting were approved by consensus
- Admin. Council Report:
Jayanti reported that the MOBAC strategic plan has been approved by the Admin. Council. She will send out an electronic copy to committee members. She reviewed five strategic areas described in the “IV. Goals and Action Plan” that will require participation from a member of each MOBAC Committee. These areas are communication, staff development, technology and local identity. Among the goals, the Technology Committee was assigned as the sole leadership team to develop a plan for recording and archiving training sessions. Committee members agreed that we need to meet in July to assign our representatives to the strategic plan leadership teams. - Election of Chair:
Deborah Stephens was elected as Chair for FY 2010/11 with the understanding that she will not be able to attend Admin. Council meetings. Steve, Doug, and Jayanti agreed to be on call to attend meetings on behalf of the committee. - Discussion: Future Technology Workshop
An early fall workshop was discussed – September or early October. “Mobile Applications” was proposed as the topic. Doug, Steve, David, and Stacy agreed to investigate possible people to serve on a discussion panel. Steve will also be available to serve on the panel if we need him to, as he will be making a presentation on this topic at an upcoming conference.The group discussed the possibility of also holding an additional half day hands-on workshop on creating mobile apps. Jayanti suggested “accessibility” as a potential topic for a future workshop. - Discussion: Hands-on Workshop
Steve reported on the recent Hands-on Workshop. Overall the reviews were favorable. For some attendees the audio theory was difficult to understand. Some participants requested more hands-on time with the technology. - New Business
The technology purchased for the hands-on workshop through the committee’s budget was made available to all interested MOBAC libraries through a drawing. SBE will receive the usb snowball microphone and pop filter, MCFL, MPC, CAB and HCL will each receive a usb microphone. - Next meeting is at 2:00 on Thursday, July 15 at Monterey County Free Libraries, Marina Branch Community Room.