MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month
2012/13 Chair: Stephanie Staley, Cabrillo
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2:00 p.m.
MCFL-Marina Administrative Offices
Attending: Ashlee Wright (Harrison), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Deborah Stephens (Hartnell), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Chris Ricker (MCFL), Catherine Webb (MPC)
- Today’s Recorder: Steve Watkins
- Agenda Review
- Minutes of January 16th approved
- Admin Council report (email from Doug Holtzman):
PLP Update–PLP is planning another round of Innovation Grants.PLP did not receive the LSTA Pitch an Idea grant for a Print On Demand projectThe annual meeting will be in May in Santa Clara.PLP working on pilot project to provide high-speed Internet access to member libraries in partnership with CENIC ( Plan–Several changes in the Brown Act Checklist for committees were suggested. Final version should be ready next timeResource Sharing Statement was approved.Report from Nominating Committee–Kim Bui-Burton will be Vice Chair/Chair-Elect following Lisa Maddalena’s retirement next month.Funding for Technology Committee-This item was added to the agenda in response to our request for a small additional allocation for our second workshop this year. Unfortunately, I neglected to discuss this in my last Admin Council report, and we did not come up with a specific request/proposal. The next Admin Council meeting is scheduled for April 12. If we need an answer about funding before this date, we’ll need to discuss options with the Chair and/or PLP Office.I reported on our very successful Usability workshop the week before. I was not able to stay for the Print On Demand demonstration.
- Hands-on workshop was held on February 1st at Cabrillo from 10:00am-1:00pm . Based on initial feedback, the workshop was very successful; a summary of comments and ratings on feedback forms is forthcoming. Several libraries have already put ideas from the workshop into action. It was noted that nobody attended from the greater PLP region beyond MOBAC despite publicizing the workshop to PLP. Video recordings of the workshop are available on the MOBAC website. A companion workshop on “Writing for the Web” was suggested as an idea for a future Hands-on workshop.
- Future Technologies workshop, “Tools for Digital Collections” will be held on April 5thfrom 10:00 – 1:00 (9:30 refreshments). Stephanie will contact the Scotts Valley Library to reserve their community room as the venue. Ashlee will present on the iCell and has received confirmation from San Jose that they will send someone to talk about the ScanJose project. Deborah confirmed that Ann Young and Deborah Lipoma from Santa Cruz Public Library will present about their Cemetery project. Stacy noted that NPS may not be able to participate in a presentation on the BrightEye kiosk software. The group decided to add a lightning round session where multiple participants would give 3-5 minute snapshots of interesting digital technology projects beyond MOBAC. Attendees will also be invited to prepare lightning talks. On behalf of the Committee, Stephanie will request an additional $150 from Admin Council for the workshop.
- Discussed whether the MOBAC Technology Committee meeting could be rescheduled to the 2nd or 4th Wednesday in upcoming months, but it proved unworkable for some committee members and will remain on the 3rd Wednesday through June 2013.
- Public Comment – None
- Next business meeting is : March 20, 2013
- Next business meeting place is : Hartnell College Library, L116