Technology Committee Minutes: November/December 2012

MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month
2012/13 Chair: Stephanie Staley, Cabrillo

Meeting Minutes
November 28, 2:00 p.m.

Attending: Ashlee Wright (Harrison), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Deborah Stephens (Hartnell), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Doug Holtzman (MPL), Chris Ricker (MCFL)

  1. Today’s Recorder: Ashlee Wright
  2. Agenda Review
  3. October 17 minutes approved
  4. No decisions have been made per Committee vs. Group of Interest for MOBAC sub-groups by Admin Council.
  5. Hands-on workshop will be held on February 1st at Cabrillo from 10:00am-1:00pm (refreshments @ 9:30am) Stephanie will work on flyers and Stacy will do the intro before the presentation.
  6. Future Technologies workshop will be held late April/early May. Ashlee will present on the iCell and contact San Jose about sending someone to talk about the ScanJose project. Stacy will talk to John Sanders at NPS about their presentation software BrightEye.
  7. Deborah Stephens will attend the Admin. Council Dec. 14 at Hartnell with the request that the MOBAC Tech Committee be recognized as a committee when the Admin. Council makes its decision, and that they give us minimum Brown Act guidelines to follow in the interim.
  8. We will be switching meetings to the 3rd Friday of each month so that the Admin. Liason can attend meetings. Stephanie will check with the other group members to make sure this will work. It will be effective starting in February.

  9. Public Comment – None
  10. Next business meeting is : January 16, 2013
  11. Next business meeting place is : Marina or Castroville (Chris will let us know)
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