MOBAC Technology Committee
2011-2012 Chair: Eric Mitchell, UCSC
Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2012
MCFL headquarters, Marina
Members attending: , Tiffany Mair (MCFL), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Doug Holtzman (MPL), Catherine Webb (MPC), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Diana Borrego (SPL) and Tungyi Kimura (SPL)
1. Today’s Recorder – Stacy DeMatteo
2. Agenda Review – 2 additions added, Admin Council report and database selection process
3. Approve Minutes from last meeting – Approved
4a. Admin Council report – Doug Holtzman attended the Admin Council as the Tech committee representative. The main topic at the council meeting was the budget:
1. The use of the fund reserve to subsidize libraries that cannot afford the increase in dues was approved total cost $13,000.
2. Council will not continue to subsidize Worldcat; at the June meeting the Council will discuss if the libraries will pick up the additional costs.
3. Each committee will get $500.00 budget for workshops with the emphasis of looking for MOBAC members to present. PLP will supply the Committee money.
4. The majority of dues goes to delivery, at this time there are no solutions to reduce the delivery costs.
5. The arrangement with Gale databases expires at the end of this fiscal year. A study will be conducted to look at the usage data and evaluate different databases and the costs associated.
6. In addition, Counsel discussed the tasks assigned to the various committees from the original merger. The ILL committee was charged with looking at alternative ILL software, this has been tabled.
4b. New Committee chair for 2012/2013 – Eric Mitchell has stepped down as chair, Stephanie Staley has graciously volunteered to be chair. Doug Holtzman, Steve Watkins and Catherine Webb will rotate attending Admin Councils.
4c. Proposed change in meeting day – Discussed changing the meeting day to the third Wednesday of each month, an email will be sent to tech members for their input.
5. Spring Workshop planning : Gratelful Dead Online Archive, June 1st? – the Horticultural Center at Cabrillo College is not available, Stephanie will check for a different location. Catharine will check if MPC has space. The workshop schedule is 9:00 – 11:30 with breaks. Stephanie will start working on the Flyer to send out to member libraries.
6. New Business
7. Information/Resource sharing and news from the libraries
8. Next Business Meeting – May 24th at Cabrillo College.