MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month
2015/16 Co-Chairs: Glenn Tozier (MPC), Kristen Cardoso (MIIS)
September 21, 2016 from 2:00 – 4:00
Monterey Peninsula College Library
Kristen Cardoso (MIIS), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Stacey Wiens (PGPL), Deborah Stephens (Hartnell), Glenn Tozier (MPC), Katie O’Connell (Harrison Memorial), Steve Watkins (CSUMB)
Katie O’Connell was welcomed to the committee.
- Today’s recorder – Steve Watkins, CSUMB
- Agenda review
- Approve minutes from last meeting
– approved minutes of the June 2016 meeting with minor revisions
- Admin Council report
– Kristen attended the recent Admin Council meeting where she presented the committee’s annual report. The report was positively received and no additional tasks were identified by the Council. The committee should be able to expect the same level of funding in support of programs during the year. Much of the meeting consisted of hearing reports from all of the committees. It was announced that additional Zoom accounts are being added and will be available soon.
5. New business
– Ideas for possible workshops were discussed, including:
- Google Analytics and assessment; one of the NPS Library staff has recent expertise and might be a possible presenter
- Tips for technology troubleshooting, including wireless printing
- Digital exhibits, perhaps build upon the recent symposium at UC Santa Cruz
- Use of APIs; a specific training on SQL queries for custom reports will be scheduled during the October Tech Committee meeting using linda.com
6. Public comment – no public comment received
7. Next business meeting is: Wednesday, October 26 (there is a conflict with Internet Librarian on 10/19), 2:00 – 4:00 pm
8. Next business meeting place: MIIS Library