Technology Committee Meeting

Technology Committee Meeting – October 24, 2018 – Hartnell College Library – Draft Minutes
Co-Chairs: Kris Amaral (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (HCL)
Today’s recorder: Katharine Dixon (SPL)
Attendees: Mila Rianto SPL, Deborah Stephens HCL, Katie O’Connell HML, Alicia Martinez WPL, Kris Amaral MCFL, Katharine Dixon SPL, Kathlene Hanson CSUMB
Old Business
- Agenda review: Accepted as presented
- Approve minutes from last meeting: Amended “Digital Next” to “Digital Nest”, approved
- Spring workshop discussion: Discussed possibility of CSUMB hosting but decided construction and parking would be a problem. Marina seem to be the best place. Kris will check on room reservation and get back with the actual date. Possible Speakers – Deborah will reach out to Hartnell’s Maker Space people and ask if they want to present. Kris is waiting to hear back from Lisa Duff (Gilroy, Santa Clara County Library). Alicia will check with her contacts. Marina Maker Space people will present. Kris suggested contacting the “Look Mobile” @Palo Alto Library. Katie suggested contacting the Wheelie Mobile. Katharine heard back from Jacob Martinez from Digital Nest and he would be happy to speak; just wanted make sure he will talk about not only a maker space, but “Innovative Learning Environments” which was approved and lead to the suggestion of the workshop title change to “Innovative Learning and Beyond.” Flyer creation and refreshments will be assigned in the future.
MOBAC Reports:
- Administrative Council: Meeting on November 3 at Marina Community Meeting Room, Jayanti Addleman will host “How to Run Meetings.” Announced San Juan Bautista Library is back in MOBAC. Koha Group Catalog: Phase 1 of project is underway. Kris reported that the council says we can ask for $1000 from the Admin committee for Workshop. Replacement batteries for video cameras were approved.
- Reference Committee: Local History Workshop is October 26- 9am-Noon Marina Branch.
- SPLAMBA: No report
- Literacy Committee: No report
- ILL: No report
New Business:
Training: “UX Foundations: Accessibility” via Lynda – postponed until all members could watch the videos
Training: “UX Foundations: Accessibility” via Lynda – postponed until all members could watch the videos
Public comment : none
Next business meeting place: November 28, 2018, Monterey Public Library