Technology Committee Meeting

Technology Committee Meeting – November 28, 2018 – Monterey Public Library – Draft Minutes
Co-Chairs: Kris Amaral (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (HCL)
Today’s recorder: Katie O’Connell (HML)
Attendees: Kris Amaral MCFL, Deborah Stephens HCL, Kristen Cardoso MIIS, Katharine Dixon SPL, Alicia Martinez WPL, Katie O’Connell HML, Kim Smith MPL, Glenn Tozier MPC, Julie Weirick PG
Old Business
Agenda review: Accepted as presented
Approve minutes from last meeting: October minutes continued to next meeting
Spring workshop discussion: Confirmed workshop to be hosted in the community room at Marina Public Library on April 12, 2019.
Agenda review: Accepted as presented
Approve minutes from last meeting: October minutes continued to next meeting
Spring workshop discussion: Confirmed workshop to be hosted in the community room at Marina Public Library on April 12, 2019.
- Confirmed Speakers:
- Nicole (Palo Alto Library), on the “Look Mobile”
- Ryne (CSUMB), on their Maker Space workgroup
- Marina Public Library on their Maker Space
- Jacob Martinez from Digital Nest
- Possible Speakers
- Deborah is waiting to hear from Hartnell’s MakerSpace people.
- Kris is waiting to hear back from Lisa Duff (Gilroy, Santa Clara County Library).
- Katie will contact the Wheelie Mobilee.
- The committee discussed the general set-up of the workshop, and it was decided that speakers would present for approximately 10-20 minutes on the process of creating their innovative learning space, with the end of the workshop reserved for hands-on interaction, as requested in the feedback from the last workshop.
- Flyer creation and refreshments will be assigned in the future.
MOBAC Reports:
Administrative Council: No meeting
Reference Committee: No report
SPLAMBA: No report
ILL: No report
Literacy Committee: No report
Reference Committee: No report
SPLAMBA: No report
ILL: No report
Literacy Committee: No report
New Business
Training: The committee discussed the training video “UX Foundations: Accessibility” (via, and decided the end product of the accessibility training would be a “Accessibility Style Guide,” a document for Administrative Council describing accessibility guidelines and best practices, and how libraries can incorporate them into web planning and design.
Glen suggested the committee’s next workshop be a presentation of the guide and training on the skills needed to follow these guidelines.
First half of “Accessibility for Web Design” (via assigned for December meeting.
Public comment: None
Next business meeting place: December 19, 2018, Salinas Public Library