Technology Committee Meeting: November 13, 2013

MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month

2013/14 Co-Chairs: Stacey DeMatteo, Naval Post-Graduate School
Ashlee Wright, Harrison Memorial Library

November 13, 2013 from 2:00 to 4:00
7600 Sandholdt Rd, Moss Landing


  1. Today’s recorder:
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Approve Minutes from last meeting
  4. Hands on workshop planning
    • Copyright workshop with Mary Minnow (work with ILL and Ref committees to pool funds)
    • From Deborah/Future of Ref Workshop: Mobile apps. More about screencasting. Websites: reducing clicks. Hot, New, & Trending open source and free apps. WordPress, Drupal, often-used website updates.
  5. Future of streaming video on the webpage
  6. New business
  7. Public Comment
  8. Next business meeting is:
  9. Next business meeting place:


Attending: Chris Ricker (MCFL), Doug Holtzman (MPL), Deborah Stevens (HCL), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Stacey DeMatteo (NPS), Monica Wilmot (MIIS)

  1. Today’s recorder: Monica Wilmot (MIIS)
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Approve Minutes from last meeting
    • Correction to location. Changed to MCFL Administrative Office in Marina.
  4. Hands on workshop planning
    • Discussed options listed on agenda (below).
      1. Copyright workshop with Mary Minnow (work with ILL and Ref committees to pool funds) – possible Futures Workshop not hands-on.
      2. From Deborah/Future of Ref Workshop: Mobile apps. More about screencasting. Websites: reducing clicks. Hot, New, & Trending open source and free apps. WordPress, Drupal, often-used website updates.
    • Privacy issues were discussed as a hands-on workshop due recent changes to CA law (more strict). Speak on law vs. reality, have libraries and their IT dept. participate, why is it important/should we care, etc.
      1. Stacey will speak with SJSU professors.
      2. Steve will talk to CSUMB IT.
  5. Future of streaming video on the webpage
    • Currently hosted at CSUMB.
    • Tech Committee will bring to Admin. Council a list of selected solutions on what to do with/where to host MOBAC streaming videos.
    • Stacey will ask Georg about CruzIO (?) as a solution
  6. New business
    • None
  7. Public Comment
    • None
  8. Next business meeting is: January 22, 2014
  9. Next business meeting place: MCFL Admin. Offices
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