Technology Committee Meeting – May 18, 2016

MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month

2015/16 Co-Chairs: Glenn Tozier (MPC), Kristen Cardoso (MIIS)

May 18, 2016 from 2:00 to 4:00
Phil’s Fish House

Present: Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Kristen Cardoso (MIIS), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Deborah Stephens (Hartnell), Glenn Tozier (MPC)


  1. Today’s recorder: Stacy DeMatteo
  2. Agenda Review – Approved
  3. Approve Minutes from last meeting – Approved as is.
  4. No admin in May, Kristen will attend June meeting.
  5. Reviewed workshop evaluations and possible topics for future workshops, E.g. website accessibility, tutorial tips (maybe in conjunction with the MOBAC reference Committee), developer tools, google analytics, using social meeting. We received great compliments on the workshops, but comments on PowerPoints were too small to read, more hands on and should start at 930 not 900.  Need Stacy’s and Doug’s presentation for Mobac website.
  6. Announce at admin council meeting, whoever records should upload video to Mobac tech committee channel.  Maybe change the channel name to Mobac.  Need to update recovery email in google account.  Deborah will draft note that says upload video to YouTube channel and contact mobactech committee for username and password.
  7. New business-meeting this summer, combine July and Augusts meeting on August 17th.  June is virtual meeting.
  8. No public comment.
  9. June 15 virtual
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