Technology Committee Meeting – March 18, 2015

MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month

2014/15 Co-Chairs: Stacy DeMatteo, Naval Post-Graduate School
Ashlee Wright, Harrison Memorial Library

March 18, 2015 from 2:00 – 4:00
Cesar Chavez Library, 615 Williams Road, Salinas 93905

Present: Stacy DeMatteo- NPS, Stephanie Staley-CAB, Katharine Dixon-SPL, Kristen Cardoso-MIIS, Deborah Stephens-HCL

Draft Minutes

  1. Today’s recorder – Deborah Stephens
  2. Agenda review – approved
  3. Approve minutes from last meeting – approved
  4. Admin Council report – next meeting 4/10, Stacy or Kristen will attend
  5. Hands on workshop – Stacy will check with Eleanor or Jayanti about introducing the workshop remotely. Stacy will submit budget request at Admin Council for $250 for refreshments. Stephanie and Kristen will videotape at Cabrillo. Stacy and Deborah will be “points of contact” at each location. 30 minute presentations, including time for questions. Stephanie created email account for registration. Password is the same as the mobactech WordPress login.
  6. New business – Representative at next Admin meeting will ask about account/password central storage.Should copies of the workshop flyers be kept in tech com documents section of website? Yes, Stephanie will bring page up-to-date.

    Discuss meeting room survey at next meeting

  7. Public comment – none
  8.  Next business meeting is: April 15, 2015
  9. Next business meeting place: Castroville Branch, MCFL
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