MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month
2015/16 Co-Chairs: Glenn Tozier (MPC), Kristen Cardoso (MIIS)
August 12th, 2015 from 2:00 – 4:00
Stutzman Room, Monterey Peninsula College
980 Fremont St. Monterey, CA 93940
- Today’s recorder – Stacy DeMatteo
- Agenda review – Approved.
- Approve minutes from last meeting – Meeting minutes approved
- Admin Council report – No report, next council meeting is in October
- MOBAC Regional Catalog survey – Steve will send out the survey to the MOBAC Reference Committee.
- Annual Report – Made minor additions to draft and agreed to send it MOBAC Admin council.
- New business – Update on virtual teleconferencing. PLP set up 2 Zoom hosts accounts, only host accounts can create meeting times, we will need to create 2 gmail accounts (plpzoom1 and plpzoom2) also need to draft guideline and instructions including hardware and software requirements. Kristen will find out how is on the MOBAC tech email list and Stacy will draft and send email about meeting teleconferencing.
- Public comment – None
- Next business meeting is: 9/16/2015
- Next business meeting place: MIIS